Miserable piece of *beep*

Why is it that everything a Brazilian make, HAS TO HAVE samba in it? HAS to be about poverty?

And, living in 2015, why are all Brazilian animations STILL done with 15 frames? The television screen is ULTRA HD, 1080, and movies are now being made with 60 fps, yet... This thing was done with 15, just like those *beep* Monica cartoon movies.

Get your stuff back in place people, please.

And you guys were hoping for an Oscar? Really? Come on... Get real. Didn't win DUH!

At least 30 fps next time. Keep the damn samba off your animations. Get some good music, not crap you only get to hear in a Favela. Enough with poverty stories... YES WE KNOW, BRAZIL IS FLOODED WITH CRIME AND FAVELAS. But that doesn't mean you have to make a movie about that every f. time guys.

Get creative.

And, finally. Yes, I am a Brazilian. So I know what I am talking about.


Why does every black movie have hip hop and rap in them??? Sick of it!?
