MovieChat Forums > Bitter Harvest (2017) Discussion > Walter Duranty - truly a monstrous 'usef...

Walter Duranty - truly a monstrous 'useful idiot' - long overdue exosure

of this winner of a 'Pulitzer Prize' given to no less his employer the New York Times (whooda guess huh?).

This man had an opportunity to expose the horror that was the Soviet Union not just Stalin but the entire monstrous hell it had brought upon the Russian people and in particular the Ukrainians.

The famine's purpose was two fold - 1. to crush the entrepreneurial hard working peasant aka 'kulak' and 2. to begin the great terror that would soon sweep across the entire nation.

Duranty was well aware of the 'holodomor' the man made famine that Stalin and his thugs imposoed upon the Ukrainian people. Whole regions were surrounded by NKVD personnel - no one was admitted in nor permitted to leave. All grain was rationed to produce a crop that was taken entirely by the 'state' and nothing left for those entrapped in these 'regions'. Any foreigner was not permitted to enter these regions and if that should happen never to report what they had seen.

Malcolm Muggeridge had the nerve to do so and was banned from the USSR but not Duranty - your typical left wing progressive 'reporter' who was nothing but a tool for the state akin to a Rachel Maddow.

He had numerous affairs with star eyed female journalists.

Following quote from

"The American ex-Communist Jay Lovestone has suggested that Duranty worked for the OGPU. Journalist Joseph Alsop claimed that "Duranty was a great KGB agent and lying like a trooper."


A perfectly researched and truthful post....I couldn't have worded it better and I applaud you for doing so. Now I can only hope this film project is fairly distributed, like in every Red Box throughout the world.

what ails most madmen is realitys grasp or escape, a paralysis of analysis


Considering Hollywood these days is more aligned with communists than freedom, expect it go get panned by critics as "right-wing propaganda".


You sure the famine wasn't due to a natural drought where Kulaks took advantage of the situation and price gouged, created false shortages, and eventually witheld all food?
