Don and Helen - safe sex?

They didn't show or mention if Don And his escort used condoms. But since Don was with a fairly high class escort I can almost guarantee that she made him use one. Also Helen had more than one partner while Don was only with the call girl so she would be more at risk of catching something. Their situation was the only part of the film that I truly hated. Don was an ass but Helen was a total bitch from hell - hated her. Imagine her coming home full of another guys cum. YUK! My wife knows if she ever did that it would be the end no questions asked. B/t/w how did they end up in the book?


In the book, Don discovers the Ashley Madison site and is upset, but realizes he can't complain since he has been seeing hookers. So, he just lets it goes. His story ends with him looking for an escort that resembles his wife. Her story ends with her still seeing her black male lover and engaging in even more kinky play.


I think they love each other, I also felt from both of them it was about sex and nothing much more. They had kids so as long as they stayed in there lanes they would stay put in the marriage. I think it was a cop out when it came to they cared for the kids. I would doubt if he would want strange men around them. It was also swept under rug that she would automatically get custody, I would doubt it. Witch is why i think they stayed put.


well, the book leaves a lot open to interpretation and i think the movie tried to give some closure.


In response to the original post, I assume they would both have used protection. As for the other parts I think the film left it with them trying to sweep it under the carpet but for them both to have cheated on the marriage, unless they can resolve the underlying problems, they're both going to continue being unhappy


I mean I could still see him being pissed. He pays top dollar for sex, while she just creates a fake profile and gets it for free.
