MovieChat Forums > Men, Women & Children (2014) Discussion > Interesting but no need for the sex scen...

Interesting but no need for the sex scenes

The story could have easily been told, cutting away from the sex scenes but indicate they happened. I don't enjoy watching that stuff and that was not the main point of the movie anyway.

This positively infantile preoccupation with bosoms!Terry-Thomas about US 1963.Hasnt changed much!


I get annoyed when they are just there for a dose of sexuality, but the sex scenes in this movie served a purpose. We needed to see the awkwardness of the boy not getting it up and how that affected his life, we needed to see that girl's hesitancy at having sex and how she was sweet-talked (or not) into it, we needed to see Adam Sandler's reservations and need for intimacy as well as his wife's need for excitement and a touch of dirty talk in the bedroom. All of these were important for the characters and their development.

What I've got in my head you can't buy, steal, or borrow. I believe in live and let live.


The sex scenes were NEVER GRATUITOUS indeed one only showed a shaking bed. Quite cleverly done IMO. Beside, we are SEXUAL beings and the internet is just the latest platform for us to express, exhibit our true natures. Also, as a parent it opened my eyes to what teenagers these days are faced with...pressures etc. One of he many telling messages of the movie is TO point out how our PREOCCUPATION with sex has become...unhealthy.

"We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are" Nin



I saw the movie then read the book. As was already said in this thread, the scene was necessary for character development, and I'll add it was greatly stripped down from the book to be able to not show nudity or sexual activity.

The scene with Allison and Rory was totally cut out, only showing her entering the room with him, closing the door, then later showing her emerge from the room with a troubled look on her face. The book describes their intercourse, very painful for her, as he basically uses her for his own satisfaction and then throws her away - wham, bam, thank you m'am. It would have helped the movie, but they chose to only suggest what happened.


I think that the character and actress herself were well underage. The laws that govern certain kinds of porn (I don't want to type it in here because I don't want this to get flagged) prohibit even depicting underage sex like that unless its just implied.
