Societal conmentary

Although flawed in its execution, this film chataracterizes the flaws of using technology as a substitute for face-to-face relations.

One of the saddest moments was when a previously popular high school student (when queried by faculty) could only reference one person in 'RL' (real life) with whom he could relate.


I think that this has been a problem in suburbia that's been budding for at least 15 years. It's nothing really new. Before Instagram and Facebook was AIM and Myspace. I think it's a natural progression when you're dealing with a social structure that consists of people who want to be part of a group, but they live so far away (maybe 10-15 miles between neighborhoods and from hangouts like movie theaters or malls) and can't drive (driving age minimums have been pushing up to 17 or 18 across the country). The virtual community is filling a void that has been created.
