MovieChat Forums > Men, Women & Children (2014) Discussion > Enjoyed very much and would like to see ...

Enjoyed very much and would like to see more like this

Enjoyed very much and would like to see more like this. I was in my mid- twenties when the internet hit the ascendance so i'm old enough to evaluate the pre and post-internet age, and experienced first hand some of the down-side of it, and I think this movie does very well to point out these things in an honest and realistic way. As a social comment and expose of society's use or abuse of the internet this is very effective.

If it makes people reconsider the true value of online interaction and the dangers of online over-dependency then it has succeeded, especially those who are young enough to have known nothing else, and I think it does. Some of the story lines were better than others but over- all this was very good and compelling just as a drama in it's own right so I think it certainly deserves a solid 7, maybe 7.5. It certainly is no failure or embarrassment for Reitman.
