MovieChat Forums > Men, Women & Children (2014) Discussion > Do people not understand people?

Do people not understand people?

It's really odd when people extremely hate movies like this. The movie pretty much failed in reviews, and I've seen in a ton of other threads where people basically complain that the movie could've had fancier writing or that certain types of events happen all the time. For instance, there's a thread that says:
"By the way, that scene in the school cafeteria, where Tim punches out some kid because he threw something at his girlfriend… how many times have we seen that scene before? I mean, come on! I'm sorry. That’s just LAZY writing."

And hence the title of this thread: the whole freaking movie is about, well, generic life in our modern world where people do stupid, silly, non-sensible things. The movie picks some more normal stories to follow, as well as some more off-the-wall ones.

Honestly, from my experiences and people I have known over the years, only the mother with the photograph site is probably out there, but I'm sure she exists. Pretty much every other character is actually really damn common in our society.

And you know, again, that's the whole point of the movie. It's not "lazy" writing. It's giving a pretty well-organized portrayal of teenagers now. A lot of people seem to think that the movie was entirely hating all modern technology for the social media, and so on - but I didn't get that feeling. It's showing lots of negativity, but a lot of it originates entirely from the people themselves, and the movie is clear with that. Further, characters like the jock and the girl he is with actually benefit from what they use (or can barely use, in the case of the girl).

It just seems like a lot of the critic (and user) reviewers who hate this just don't seem to accept that a lot of the characters are actually pretty realistic.

Does anybody else feel this way?


Just watched it and was pretty shocked to see how accurate this movie portrays every character in such a subtle manner. I feel every teenager n parent should watch this movie ! Why did it got much flack I ans till confused .. One thing I know that it was marketed wrong when it came out


Nice to hear another person seeing it for what it is. I didn't remember seeing much advertising when it came out, so I can't really say much about that - but it's not surprising if it was badly shown.


I'll sort of agree with OP. If Reitman was trying to unveil some big revelation about how we are insignificant in the universe, and that our addiction to technology is something we can only save ourselves from is nonsense. Did this film teach you anything new really ?? I mean cmon.
Kids , and their parents are not this screwed up. A tiny percentage this may apply. Could have done better.

