MovieChat Forums > Before I Wake (2018) Discussion > DON'T be fooled! This is NOT a horror

DON'T be fooled! This is NOT a horror

This is far from a horror movie... It's actually a quite decent fantasy drama. People's expectations can be let down, going into this movie, expecting horror elements. There's actually only very few horror elements in the film.


It had some really great creepy moments! I akin this to a dark fairy tale. Absolutely loved it!


This IS a horror. You might not find it scary, but it is a horror movie.


If this is horror, then u haven't watched many horro films...^^


more than you I reckon.


Wrong again, fuzz fetcher. You obviously don't know what a horror movie is. Better luck next time.


It is 100% horror but I understand your confusion since you aren't smart enough to see beyond Jason or Halloween.. I get it.. You are a base individual you can't see beyond the blood and gore.. Blessings!


You are an idiot lol.
Do you even know what you are saying?
I am 30 and I have been a true horror fan most of my life.
I have seen almost every horror out there......And although this film wasn't great....It WAS still, technically a horror film. FACT.


Oh. A WHOLE 30.


Life changing comment, mate.


The director himself has said many times before that this is more of a fantasy and drama than a horror movie. I have heard Kate said the same thing in 2013, when the filming was just started and she was promoting "Homefront".


It's still a horror movie!


Maybe it's because it comes from the kid's imagination that it looks a bit childish? 😄


It is supposed to look like his dying mother.



It's a Drama, Fantasy, Horror end of.


Oh??? Now all of a sudden it's a drama and fantasy too.


LOL No, not all of a sudden......It is a Fantasy horror/drama.
To claim that this film contains no horror would be a completely untrue statement.
Horror is not a subjective term. Despite what you think of this film....


Even though it wasn’t scary, this is definitely a horror movie. Just because it ends with a twist, that changes the tone of the movie into a dark fantasy drama, it doesn’t change the fact that, the almost entire movie was shot as a horror. It had all the traditional conventions of horror (with the exception of maybe the mirror trope). And that was probably the director intention, because the movie seems to have been built on the foundations of that twist. Because every movie needs a twist. And it’s easy to see. Just take out the last 15 or 10 minutes of the movie, and there is little to no fantasy in the rest.


It IS a horror lol. Just because it has fantasy elements in it too, doesn't make it any less a horror film.
And this is coming from someone who didn't even really like the film....
I am getting pretty sick of people thinking they can just redefine words to their own liking.
Just because a horror film didn't scare your or you didn't like it, doesn't mean it's not a horror film.
Understand? Good.


I never said it didn't have any horror elements... I agree that it has horror elements in it.. But people can be fooled going into this movie, thinking that this is a pure horror flick, while in fact, it leans more into the drama/fantasy genre. It is misleading. If someone asked u about a scary horror movie, this movie wouldn't fit in. It's all more dramatic than it is scary.


Such a typically unnecessary discussion. You guys have too much time on your hands!


Such a typically unnecessary discussion. You guys have too much time on your hands!

Do you see the irony in posting that?

My 2 cents is yeah this can be considered a horror movie.


Yeah I see the irony in posting that. It's part of the message. Then again, I am not putting one percent as much energy here as you other guys.


Yeah my two sentences took an hour or two.


Oh, trust me, I'm not just talking about YOUR sentencies...




How is he pwned? And you had to put it into caps? Good grief.


Yeah seriously guys it's a mix of horror, drama and fantasy. There is nothing further to argue about.
