MovieChat Forums > Mr. Holmes (2015) Discussion > Doctor coming to his home

Doctor coming to his home

Overall this film was okay, a little slow but interesting. Another Anglophile historical immersion like Downton Abbey, Call the Midwife, and such, which the British do well, and for which there appears to be a lot of interest. On a personal note, the house call by a physician is something I remember from my youth many years ago, but do not believe it is done anymore. Those were different times for sure !



I don't know how things are where you are, but house calls are still done here in the UK, if the patient really needs it. The doctor who attended Holmes was obviously a good friend and was concerned about him.


Interesting, thank you for your response. I think in the USA doctors no longer go to homes unless they are the exclusive private physician for that person. If it is serious you are expected to call for an ambulance or get yourself to the urgent care clinic or emergency room.



I once called doctor because my girlfriend felt really sick, and it was late evening and she felt like she was going to faint. The doctor come with his small suitcase and looked at her, and after som time he said that if she really felt like it, he could call and ambulance. He also came to me once when I heard my back and couldn't go anywhere because of pain.
I live in Denmark, so the doctor also come to you here, if you can't go the him.


In Britain doctors still do house calls.

It's that man again!!
