MovieChat Forums > Criss Angel BeLIEve (2013) Discussion > 'Obama' appearance - a new low?

'Obama' appearance - a new low?

Part of the fun of beLIEve is watching Angel sink to new lows of pathetic chicanery. I'm honestly not sure which is more astoundingly lame: the fake cadaver brought back to "life" or the fake Obama coming backstage and volunteering his "personal cell phone" for "close up" magic.



That wasn't really Obama?



I came here to see if anyone commented on it... To be honest, I am just speechless. I also watch the show just to see what lame/fake crap "Criss" is going to come up with.. And, yes- this is a new low! It was so bad it was almost insulting. This guy has gone full-retard.


I'm so glad you guys saw this and commented on it as well. I was watching this thinking, "ok this is just a joke and something remotely funny will happen" I couldn't be more wrong... Well said, whichever said "this is a new low." Surely none of these producers, directors, camera people and Criss himself, doesn't BELIEVE his audience and viewers are this naive.

This show is more comical than's kinda sad, I used to actually like some of this dudes "magic" now everything he does is laughable. Christ! I could be a magician tomorrow with camera angles, props, staged audience ect. This dude should retire and make the rest of his living on SECRETS OF MAGIC REVEALED. At least that show was somewhat interesting. Kill yourself Criss... No illusions or "magic" and please don't attempt to be brought back to life, you complete turd.



I think David Blaine may have topped it.


That was so unbelievably lame. And those fake secret service guys. LAME !!!


it was look-a-like a joke

Met MIW- Ricky, Ryan and Ghost 11.6.13 met Maniggy 10.25.12/2.9.14


A new low and speechless doesn't even cover how I felt about it.


no not great O
