MovieChat Forums > Extant (2014) Discussion > Aliens vs. Humanics and Tobias Shepherd ...

Aliens vs. Humanics and Tobias Shepherd turns cliche

Well ... every good sci-fi story needs conflict. But they didn't have to turn the general into your standard issue, cliched military blockhead. You know, that nails-for-breakfast dude we hated in Avatar? Even going back to E.T., the government / military always want to destroy and dissect anything "alien" to them. Paranoia on steroids.

The better way IMO was to have explored the peace negotiations route. At least give it a try. Then that bad untrusting alien and that warmongering bitch who wants her humanic army ready bypassing protocols blow the whole thing.

Now in re to Aliens vs. Humanics. Lucy appears to be a good sentient robot. She and the aliens would seem to be in common cause against the military industrial machine -- the true bad guys (as usual ) . If Lucy is sentient, she has the ability to overcome her programming. Thus, wouldn't all the uploaded copies be same? Might not the Humanics and Alien hybrids team up? That would be cool.


I think the Aliens and Humanichs may team up.

I would say another cliche is they turned most not all the Aliens into Hippies.


Further conjecture, once the general and his cohorts suspect the Humanacs are breaking rank and siding with the aliens ... they will upload as many as they can with new programming, so there'll be a split in their ranks. Humanic vs.Humanic.

And is the general taking orders from a computer? Is the super computer in charge? Or will it be like Skynet (Terminator).


TAALR who built it?

All I know is it doesn't get sarcasm.


TAALR doesn't get* sarcasm....obviously built by Dr Sheldon Cooper. ;)


I like your idea.

Rambling thoughts follow.

And if Molly had shown him a little more affection, she might have gotten the opportunity to explain what is happening. And tell him the hybrids have figured out how to mate without destruction to the woman.

BUT -- Man would no longer be at the top of the food chain. And Hybrids could control them. Man always wants the power and destroys everyone and anything he can't control. Otherwise, there'd be more nature and less cement.


she might have gotten the opportunity to explain what is happening. And tell him the hybrids have figured out how to mate without destruction to the woman.

She did explain. He didn't give a rat's ass.

As for "man" destroying everything ... I hate to generalize. It's a small percentage of alpha male egomaniacs ... followed by the dupes to who follow them. And aided by the Lady MacBeth's who manipulate them. Let's not forget Cleopatra who killed her own sister and would do anything for power.


He was being threatened not seduced. In that situation, with what he already knew, it was impossible to get him to listen.

He had a thing for Molly. If Molly was cool, met with him alone, turned on her seductive sweetness, and appealed to him,... It's possible she could have gotten him to slow down.

And you took "man" a little too literally. Perhaps if I'd written HUmans who prefer artificial environments with no gender distinction. lol


Seduce him? Lmfao

I don't know what is more offensive; that you think men only think with their penises or that the only way women can be listened to is via letting a man into their pants.


If you're offended, it's because you choose to be.

For one, you don't know how I think.

Fact: Toby wanted to be with Molly. Toby's girlfriend continuously expresses her jealousy.

And I don't need to be repetitive.


All responsible world leaders would decide to hastily destroy the alien threat.

You guys can smoke in your college dorm rooms and imagine how friggin awesome it would be, if your boring lives got spiced up with some mind control powers, but that is la-la land.

Back in reality, threats like this are killed. Period.

Toby is the only sane human on the show.


A peaceful relationship with an alien species more advanced would be an incredible opportunity for Earth's humans. People like you and the general would very quickly get the entire Earth exterminated by an Alien species.
