
Shouldn't Ares (hostile hybrid) have called Adhu (Molly's son) father, not brother? Adhu fathered all the hybrids so far right? I suppose some of the adult ones could have babies as well now too, but Adhu was the first and only one on the planet. So why would Ares call him brother?

Anyway, I'm glad Molly is finally siding with her new family. Blood is thicker than water after all.

Chthonic gods have set their sights on making me a slave to their ways.


What happened to Molly happened to other astronauts. Even though the males weren't impregnated, there's no reason spores couldn't have hitched a ride to earth and made their way to others.


Season 1 had references to "others" after Ahdu was able to communicate with her. The others were mad at him or comming or something, I dunno, it was implied that he wasn't the only one though.
