MovieChat Forums > Extant (2014) Discussion > Julie almost met her end but it wasn't t...

Julie almost met her end but it wasn't to be.

Ethan asked "What did I do?". I'm telling you, you intervened a few seconds too early. Should've held off few more moments then disabled Lucy.

Anyway, going to miss Lucy. She was a great introduction and good contrast to Ethan.


Yeah Lucy's character was interesting. I wonder if she is 100% gone.

Ethan is such a sneaky little guy, he made that scene. For a kid Humanich he has some major strength in those arms.


All of the other soldierbots have her mind, so she's not 100% gone.



She could be rebooted and reprogrammed and comeback in some way as Ethan said parts are never fully deleted in the code. Or the other Humanichs evolve and reach her insanity but I doubt that could happen as they are all probably going to get limiters installed.


I so wanted Lucy to Punt Julie out the window.

Chthonic gods have set their sights on making me a slave to their ways.
