MovieChat Forums > Extant (2014) Discussion > More Hollywood messaging

More Hollywood messaging

I really like this show, in fact I enjoy it more than fall TV programs. I especially like this season because it's become like a trashy soap opera -- last season was a methodically-paced bore at times.

But surely others have noticed the latest round of messaging courtesy our social programmers at Hollywood?

Lucy the robot is black. She constantly rails at the control placed over her and yearns not only to be free but also to be accepted as just as human as a real human.

The hybrids are also black. They yearn to be accepted by hummanity and to live equally among them.

Meanwhile, the white authority figures dominate and reprogram Lucy and plot the utter destruction of the hybrids.

So basically we have the same two stories here. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with this particular message (at least the first two -- the "white authority figures are all evil" cliche needs to be junked) but jeez -- talk about overkill.


I'd say you're exaggerating, but yeah, its pretty blatant.

There's Ethan, but he has his own deal as well (parent-child relations).


But surely others have noticed the latest round of messaging courtesy our social programmers at Hollywood?

I don't see any "white authority figures are all evil" message here. I think you're reading way too much into certain things. The hybrids are black because they're all the products of Molly's son.


Yes, of course, any Hollywood production (mainly after year 1970 ) contains politically correct propaganda ,often childish and primitive as they need that people of different races are accepting movies and shows. White people can endure that they are portrayed as evil, black people obviously loves fairy tales about themselves. For example, I've noticed that in recent movies black characters often are top computer specialists. ( My "Engrish" could be funny, its not my native )


black people obviously loves fairy tales about themselves. For example, I've noticed that in recent movies black characters often are top computer specialists.
What is this nonsense you speak (and no, I'm not saying that because of your poor English)? What movie have you seen where " black characters often are top computer specialists?" And where did you come up with the conclusion that "black people obviously loves fairy tales about themselves?" I really would love to hear how you came up with that generalization!

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/And where did you come up with the conclusion that "black people obviously loves fairy tales about themselves?/ -- Well a have seen much more black characters in Hollywood's production as CEOs, officials, high rank NAVY and army commanders than construction workers or car mechanics. I also can ask one simple question: Do relations between races in Hollywood films correspond to reality in American society, or not ?


Do you know what a black person looks like, because you seeing "much more black characters in Hollywood's production as CEOs, officials, high rank NAVY and army commanders than construction workers or car mechanics" is quite laughable (and this is with me ignoring the fact that you seem to think we DON'T actually hold any of these positions in reality). Please, tell me what movies you're referring to? I suspect, NONE of them were cast by a POC. Well, excluding the 2-4 "black" movies released per year. Which is the only way that we would be able to love only fairy tales about ourselves.

Do relations between races in Hollywood films correspond to reality in American society, or not ?
You tell me, you seem to think that you have all the answers.

Do you realize how ignorant and racist you sound? I'm just curious.

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I must confess, question about reality was provocation, because movies and shows aren't about reality. "Do you realize how ignorant and racist you sound" May be, I am not an American so I haven't "racist limiters" installed ;) I did some googling, and find out that there are two main principles about "racism" : color blindness and color consciousness. The second: “In order to get beyond racism, we must first take account of race. There is no other way. And in order to treat some persons equally, we must treat them differently.”(Regents of the University of California v. Bakke). So I think That Hollywood is working according color consciousness. About specific SCiFi films there was one glorious film "Independence Day" (1996) with a very precise character placement (Races and nationalities, excellent). And, Do American police officers and detectives always work in pairs, one white another "person of color" ?


Without sounding like I am defending 'anyone' I used to have this disorder were I would watch NCIS and at the time I too may have held such insane opinions!

PS I meant the other guys comments


Well, for more of the same check out Mr. Robot and Evil Corporation. Very very throw back to the seventies alienation movies. Of course young people thinks its new as do the critics.


Some writers' imaginations can't expand further than what they see.


I have only watched one episode. But I was immediately struck by what I thought was a message of acceptance and discrimination against those who are different. I was thinking of transsexuals, transgenders, homosexuals and any person of non-traditional sexual orientation. (Bruce/Caitlin Jenner comes to mind.) And there is the illegal immigration issue.

The aliens have illegally and uninvitedly come to Earth and started to breed with humans. Now there are humanoids who are half alien and half human. And there are the cliché conservative, non-progressive, white guys who are anti-immigration, anti-acceptance, anti-assimilation and anti-change.

Maybe it was just me being politically sensitive but I was immediately struck by what appeared to be a forced message.


It could also be that Halle is trying to get as many half black young actors and actresses their SAG cards.


Or, it could just be basic facts of the show. As stated, Lucy is mixed because John created her in his wife's image. Ethan is not mixed, and neither are the rest of the humanics, so the OP makes no sense. Because all the humanics possess Lucy's experience, they'll all rally "at the control" placed on them. And she's already teaching Ethan to do the same and he's not mixed. And as for the hybrids, of course they're going to be some mixed with blacks. They all possess Molly's DNA. If they were all white, there would be threads complaining that none of them look like her. Geez people!

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Touche Lady J. Touche! ;-)

p.s some people on these thread write a diatribe of verbal diarrhea. Then it takes just one person to come along write just one salient summation. Thank u!


These boards are too much some times!

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