MovieChat Forums > Extant (2014) Discussion > Extant has become boring, badly written....

Extant has become boring, badly written. Shame on you Mickey Fisher!

Clearly Extant is another one of those tv 'series' where the creator didn't think it through past the first couple of episodes. Quick money, boring production.

Season two is a chaotic jumble, badly written, characters are ping-ponging between extremes...

Steven Spielberg should have known better, but I guess he can't focus his attention to all the projects he has running.

So. Moved to a dull loser timeslot, now waiting for cancellation. Occupying precious broadcasting time & production money.

Shame on you Mickey Fisher and shame on the producers that let this happen. Shame!


But they introduced a hot guy with a gravelly voice for all the fat sci-fi loving housewives out there. And now his daughter of all people got pregnant. So that should keep them riveted :)


He is really HOT tho. ;)

Signed, Middle-aged chick


My wife is of the same opinion :)


We shouldn't stereotype, and I miss John . . they need to bring him back. He and Ethan are my favorite characters.


i agree.
father-son dynamic balanced mother-son angst.


I guess I'm alone in thinking season 2 is actually going really well. It feels like season 1 was an intro... the setup. I like the way it's evolving. I like the way Molly's character has evolved.

But I think I really am the exception - a lot of people are disappointed in the show. That's a shame - it probably won't last and I'm really curious as to where it might go.

Movies are IQ tests; the IMDB boards are how people broadcast their score.


Everyone complained about season one. So they retooled it, now people are complaining again. I liked season 1 and like season 2 so far. I think people just like to complain.

If you don't like it go outside and get some exercise you fat, lazy, complaining, humans!! LOL (not at you kay_rock)

Fate is what you call it when you don't know the name of the person screwing you over.


i feel like this series is following the same path as "The Whispers"


The whispers is in season 2?

What happened to season 1?


Same here - season two is much different from one, I miss some of the old characters and setup, but I like the new season, also.


@kay_rock.You're not alone in liking the show.I like this season way more than last season.I'm happy with all the changes made to season 2,especially bringing in J.D. and writing John out of the show.I will admit that I don't like the story line of J.D's daughter being pregnant.I don't care about her character.Other than that I like Extant.


kay_rock you're not the only one JD Richter (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) I first saw him in 1996's Burning Zone as Edward Maracase. I adored him on Supernatural as John Winchester. I like the actors from season 1 but the show was a drag. The show is better this season.


The show is really not as bad as a lot of viewers make it out to be (although there are better shows out there). I like the premise of AI intermixed with alien life forms, set in the future. I guess I like scifi, so I have some tolerance to what people call a slow show.


@kay_rock, you are not alone. I am finding season 2 far more enjoyable than one so far.

I am disappointed it won't last also as it's finally coming into it's groove and i feel it's getting better and better every week.


"I guess I'm alone in thinking season 2 is actually going really well. It feels like season 1 was an intro... the setup. I like the way it's evolving."

You aren't alone, I liked the first season because it was different and intelligent if not mindless action filled. The second season went in a different direction, kept it fresh, added new elements and payed off what was set up in the first season. I'm really enjoying where the show is going.

Victory is Mine!!!î‚¥


I didn't watch the first season, but I'm really enjoying this one.


I thought season 1 was fresh and interesting. The space stuff and aliens was pretty interesting and well done. The conspiracy cover up was great. I looked forward to every episode and liked how they ended things.

With season 2, the shakeup of characters right off the bat was off putting to say the least. Still, it's made the show fresh again and now it's a race to stop the alien hybrids from taking over the world. Some parts of the show have been just bad. Like how Molly has this other side that just comes out of no where and starts seducing people at random. I don't get that and I know it'll probably be covered at some point but it just is awkward and uncomfortable to watch. Don't they have enough stuff going on? Still, I like the story. It feels like it is going somewhere as of this last episode. I can see a solution. Will they stop it or will they push this to another season. I hope they wrap everything up this season. Even though I think it's still a decent show, I don't think this needs to come back next year.


Molly's behavior is crucial to the main plot.


Some parts of the show have been just bad.

Yeah, some problems... If they eliminate teh idiotic (writers, too), it could be great!..:)

*like the (completely) non-functional suit: (can't turn her head) (can't sit down)


Molly's behavior is going to be explained. Don't you remember when they mentioned just in passing the odd characteristics of the alien dna...that it could replicate itself as either male or female? After this week, isn't it obvious that she is infected and *driven* to procreate?


i agree


True sci-fi fans love season 2 and hated season 1. Season 1 was a boring soap opera with light sci-fi elements on the back burner. Season 2 has action, romance, mystery, aliens, robots uprising, government conspiracy, and more. Get out of here with your whining over losing your soap opera in space. It played out like those Sunday comics about Mary Jane crying over soap opera issues instead of Spider-Man out being interesting.

You have no idea what you're talking about and it was changed because no one was watching it. This is what Extant should've been all along. Cry more.


True sci-fi fans love season 2 and hated season 1. Season 1 was a boring soap opera with light sci-fi elements on the back burner. Season 2 has action, romance, mystery, aliens, robots uprising, government conspiracy, and more.

I think you're confusing the yawn-a-thon of recent futuristic movies loaded with CGI and fight scenes for "true sci-fi." The Big_Military_Conspiracy almost always kills shows that are retooled that way. I much preferred the AI pinocchio story of season one.


I much preferred the AI pinocchio story of season one.
It felt like they forgot about the shows AI premise entirely because they were to busy to chasing someone or getting chased without any significant progress and editing 70s horror movie scenes from the aliens perspective in between. Season 1 was a horrible let-down, and season 2 pretty much continues the chasing bits.
The show would have been in a position to ask, whether Ethan is human. A while it seemed that way: the birds and his reactions made him look dark. But it soon went the Spielberg road: cute kid must be human. There is no doubt. The moment when the character (seemingly) sacrifices himself is not a moment of surprise, as we knew he would act like a human (just to take away the price of the sacrifice by making him immortal).


i agree


I am enjoying the show, its not perfect but its a good watch..


I tend to agree, they clearly don't even know where the season is going before they write it. I mean it's implied that Molly survived her pregnancy because the baby was removed from her and that's shown by the numerous deaths of other women, now in the latest ep it's because she has a rare genetic marker or condition or something like the other discovered survivor. Meanwhile in the same episode the hybrids have "evolved" to no kill pregnant women...dunno how that would be evolution if they are only targeting women with a specific condition (not that that is implied, only that deaths had stopped)....the information being given is inconsistent.


The genetic condition was said to explain how the DNA changed, not how the she survived the pregnancy.


I couldn't disagree more. I liked the premise and first few episodes of season 1, but it grew tedious towards the end and I didn't expect it to even return this year. Season 2 took a couple of episodes to gain its footing, but its been getting more and more exciting and now I find myself looking forward to it more than any other summer show.


Season two is 10x more interesting than the first season imo...
