Bad acting

It was painful to watch Halle Berry "dying".

All episode 2x09 was painful to watch.


Agreed. I want to like Halle's acting so bad, but I can't. And I've given it the old college try. It's abysmal. Do Oscar winners stop taking acting classes after the win? I mean...bad.


Her character sucks. Even a better actor could not go anywhere with this material: some woman changing emotions depending on what the plots needs, sometimes whining, sometimes ready to fight instantly, sometimes hesitant and full of doubt and then suddenly rational under stress... it just does not work. Behind that character there is simply no real person.
Berry is probably not the best in developing roles, else she would have more controll. But at the same time I cannot imagine any actress who would not fail with such a weak character.



Once, I thought I was wrong...but I was mistaken.


She has always been a very limited actress with little range.


I love Halle to death as a person, but I've been saying this for years. She's good at acting happy, but when she has to play sad or angry, she almost always fails. I could never understand how she won an Oscar for that movie when her entire performance was horrible from beginning to end.
