MovieChat Forums > Extant (2014) Discussion > Adhu is he really dead

Adhu is he really dead

I don't think Adhu is dead. Since Molly is not going to die, I doubt his death.


Please don't put spoilers in your titles. I'm glad I already watched it because if I would have come here and seen your post I'd be pissed


It's not a spoiler if the episode has already aired. If you come here on a show's imdb page without watching the latest episodes, that's on you if you get "spoiled."

Anyway my guess is that Adhu is gonna shed his skin again just like the last time he was supposedly "dead."


Yes it is a spoiler.


There are some people, because of work schedules, etc., who DVR the episodes and sometimes don't watch them until after the season finale is through. So, for those people, it IS a spoiler.

And someone pointed out "Don't read the message boards until you're all caught up." Well, when the spoiler is in the title, even if you don't read the content, you'll still see the spoiler. The titles of the most current of the message threads are displayed for all to see. So once again, the spoiler is there for all to see.

Anyway, the damage is done. From the way the hybrids seem to react after contracting the virus, I think the virus takes advantage of the rapid maturing abilities of the hybrids. It continues the rapid aging process so that the hybrids die of old age. That assumes, of course, that hybrids do die once their bodies reach old age. It may be that hybrids progress into another stage of life, like a caterpillar progresses to become a butterfly.


How is stating an opinion a spoiler?

Nothing written was factual. It's all conjecture.

Adhu is he really dead

Reads like a question to me. Besides, from last week's episode and the promo, we knew the compound was going to be attacked.

I don't think Adhu is dead.

Reads like an opinion to me. And conjecture.

Since Molly is not going to die,

Reasonable conjecture since Halle Berry's the star of the show.

I doubt his death.

Another opinionated statement.


However, the question in the post title would not have been asked UNLESS there were some reason that the poster would think he was dead. Those of us who don't watch until it's made available on Amazon on Sundays WERE spoiled.


I believe it's a reasonable expectation that all the threads created immediately after a program is broadcast are spoiler ridden.

AND I REPEAT: The promo that was broadcast last week that immediately followed the episode showed HUMANIC soldiers attacking the hybrid compound. Asking if ANYONE is dead cannot spoil what may or may not have happened.

And if you're so concerned about reading a spoiler, don't read entertainment news, listen to or watch entertainment news broadcasts, and especially don't visit a message board until after you've watched the program.

Besides, you haven't learned anything from this thread except the hybrids, including Adhu and Molly were injured during the attack on their compound. And possibly, quite possibly, some were killed.

*Edit: Come to think of it, last week's preview even showed Molly getting shot. Spoiler alert!


I hope the OP is right. Just doesn't seem right to kill him off already.


Those of us who don't watch until it's made available on Amazon on Sundays WERE spoiled.
true, that's why i don't get on these message boards until i'm all caught up  i do hope he isn't dead tho cuz i was starting to like the character and it does seem to soon 



However, the question in the post title would not have been asked UNLESS there were some reason that the poster would think he was dead. Those of us who don't watch until it's made available on Amazon on Sundays WERE spoiled.

If you don't want to be spoiled, then don't visit a message board specifically created for people to discuss the show until you've caught up with the episodes.

It's simple. You can't expect people NOT to discuss episodes after they've aired. That's the entire point of logging on here, to discuss what's happening in the show, fan theories, predictions, etc. If you're in a different time zone, or a different country, or watching online the day after the episode airs on TV, then just wait a day before going back to the imdb boards for that particular show.


If you don't want to be spoiled, then don't visit a message board specifically created for people to discuss the show until you've caught up with the episodes.

I get sick of people complaining about spoilers when they come to these message boards. If I haven't finished watching a movie or show and want the end to be a surprise (which honestly doesn't bother me sometimes if I find out the end ahead of time -- all depends on what I am watching) then I stay off the message boards until I have finished the movie or caught up with the episodes. Seems logical but so many people want to be mollycoddled about everything now.


What about the grey area of promos for next week. If I purposefully avoid watching those because I don't want to be spoiled, is it okay for people to discuss info in those promos without serious "spoiler" warnings?

Basically, is it okay to say, "According to the promo, Ethan gets chopped into pieces next week" if it means I can't come on the boards to discuss an episode until a full week after it's aired?


Thank you!!!!!


Don't go to IMDB boards before you watch the latest episode. Problem solved.

When I've done that by mistake and see discussion that tells me I missed something. I click that little "x" on my tab for IMDB and instead of reading the boards, I watch the episode. Then after that I come back.

If it's already aired, it's not a spoiler when it comes to series.

So if you get pissed, it's your own fault.


I think the adult Adu is dead, but will be reborn via Molly or some random impregnated woman.


I'm also wondering that in the back of my mind. He was so good looking and I liked his character and the actor playing it.
