MovieChat Forums > Extant (2014) Discussion > This show sucks SO BAD

This show sucks SO BAD

I think I'm calling it quits. Usually when I vow to finish a season I'm able to do it. But this one is simply too much. It's been real, y'all!

I mean, I hate dream sequences so much, seriously I fast forward through them even on a good show like The Sopranos because it's a complete waste of time most of the time.

Coma and deathbed hallucination sequences are EVEN WORSE. Because it's all a cheap trick for writers to add meaning and backstory elements that don't really ever exist that way. Who ever has a dream that explains everything about your life, where people you know play metaphors and it all just comes together with depth and clarity?

But even as bad as coma dreams are by definition, Extant has taken things to an entirely new low. The writers must actually be in real-life comas - that would explain it!

I mean, really? She suddenly remembers a childhood trauma during her deathbed hallucination, then forgives her dead father five minutes later right after essentially blaming him for ruining her life with something she couldn't even remember until just then. Oh, and her mom died that day too, I think. How tragic can Molly possibly be?

And what was the point of any of it? Her dad was a jerk before, and he died in the previous season which we thought was rebooted/erased til they decided to restore Ethan's memories. She might as well have been forced by the guilt to be a stripper while in college training to be an astronaut. But I guess she already is a reformed whore with a heart of gold since she was trying to jump everyone's bones due to alien DNA and her mental breakdown. I have never seen such a Mary Sue in all my years of watching bad movies and bad TV shows.

I also noticed that she said that the Humanichs are "only machines." Really, Molly? What about your SON? Oh, Julie cleared that up. He has "humanity" unlike the other robots. Mmkay. Robots bad but not Ethan. Just like Molly, he's more special than anyone else on Earth.

But the biggest slap of all was the giant glowing door that said Final Destination. Because yeah, a person in a virus-induced coma can TOTALLY make a rational decision with the help of hallucinations whom she knows are just figments of her imagination (because she said it to them) to walk through a metaphorical door to life or death. It totally makes sense. The next time you're in a coma, just walk through the door! OR don't! But you'd better have made your final decision before you go through the turnstile because even metaphorical hallucination turnstiles will lock behind you. And make sure you forgive people who are figments of your imagination! That is the key to coming out of your coma. They stretched that useless scene out for like ten minutes.

My thing is, why put Molly on a deathbed in the first place? We ALREADY KNOW she's not going to die. Halle Berry is the star and producer of the show. Molly isn't going anywhere so what's the point of a deathbed scene, particularly a cliffhanger ending with Molly on the deathbed?

And I just love how the preview for next week showed us that both Molly and Lucy are alive. And that the Hare Krishna guy from Mad Men is a goner, a character whom I'm not even sure has a name or an actual reason for being on the show yet somehow was featured prominently in Molly's deathbed dream.

It looks like the Mary Sue version that Molly exemplifies is the Sympathetic Sue, who "collects tragic events the way normal people collect baseball cards."
- Father trauma/abandonment and seeing too much as a little girl.
- Parental death.
- Loss of fiance.
- Terror in space
- No one believed her.
- Her husband cheated.
- Loss of husband.
- Loss of home.
- Loss of career.
- Loss of sanity.
- Loss of freedom.
- Loss of moral standing.
- Loss of robot son.
- Loss of real alien son.
- Terminal illness which includes a deathbed scene (not).
- Also, Last of His Kind and Survivor Guilt.

Don't you think this is all A LITTLE MUCH? The only thing that hasn't happened to Molly is rape, and accidentally killing someone she loves. And torture. So, I guess that's all you have to look forward to. Enjoy! But there is one thing that will never happen to Molly, and that's death.

So goodbye, all. I won't be bringing down this board with my hatin' any more!! No one is even saying anything about Extant anywhere, good or bad. The silence is deafening and I had to get my last rant out to somebody. Thanks for reading!


These aren't typical hallucination/dream sequences. There's something else to them. Skipping through them because you have some personal psychological issue with them definitely effects the show. The death bed sequence wasn't just to tease the audience. There is purpose in it. But hey, it's your neurosis and your choice.

By the way - you missed some excellent dream sequences in the sopranos. We learned a lot about tony soprano from some of those sequences. He was a richer character for them.

Movies are IQ tests; the IMDB boards are how people broadcast their score.


Re: Sopranos, not just that, learning, but Tony's dreams were friggin hysterical. So off the wall funny!! Especially the "coach molinari dream" which had Annette Benning and John Heard (the dad from Home Alone) in it.


You sure put a helluva lot of thought into a show you don't like. I agree with the second poster: a lot of these issues sound personal and perhaps best discussed with a therapist...


Well done on basically copying and pasting from tvtropes in order to form your overwinded explanation of what a Mary Sue is.


Well done on basically copying and pasting from tvtropes in order to form your overwinded explanation of what a Mary Sue is.

You mean the one sentence that I pasted and put in quotes in order to signify that it was pulled from somewhere else?



You hate the show. That's fine. We get it.

Buh bye, now.


Crazy huh! How the F@ck is Lucy all brand new and shiny? Guess we'll find out next episode, Ethan will save the day again hopefully we see him turn a little badass when dealing with Lucy.


So, to those who responded to my rant with personal comments calling me neurotic or worse... First of all I acknowledged that it is indeed a rant, one that has slowly built for many weeks now. Rants by definition aren't going to sound reasonable nor be brief. I'm certainly not the first nor the last person who gets fed up with a TV show and writes a final rant.

But let me ask you this...

Imagine, you've willingly spent literally 18 full hours of your life that you could have been doing something else, anything else. Maybe it's been more than that - this is time you'll never get back. When you realize that your time has been wasted, and even worse, that the people feeding you this drivel actually have little to no respect for either you as a viewer or the product itself - shouldn't you be outraged? It's not enough to just stop watching. People need to speak out and say that this crap is not okay - that the average American television viewer isn't an idiot.

I would say that those defending this show also seem to be taking it personally, and I simply don't get it. This thing is headlining an Oscar-winning actress and has the Spielberg brand. It has top notch special effects and is one of very few network science fiction series. It should have been better by a LONG shot and there's no excuse. When will we ever again have a network sci-fi series 100% led by a female character? And with such a diverse cast? So, above and beyond being annoying, it's also a shame.


You sound as if you believe your personal investment of time is a contract with a network wherein they're obligated to pay you back with a show you "feel" is worthwhile.

Sorry, no. It was your time. You spent it. Sorry you didn't feel it was worth it, but your resentment is misplaced.

Movies are IQ tests; the IMDB boards are how people broadcast their score.


It was your choice to spend those eighteen hours as you wished. You chose to invest in a series that you didn't care for and finally dislike.

Why do you think anybody cares what you do with your time?

What are you hoping to gain in making your announcement and continuing on with a thread, where fans said "so what and good bye"?

What else do you have invested in this show besides time you spent per your own choosing?


This is why I enjoy reading the IMDB forums, some people really have passion about TV and movies whether they like something or not.

You had to see early on that Extant had "guilty pleasure" written all over it. And that it was going to be one of those check your brain at the door type of shows. For me the show has been a pleasant surprise as it has not gotten as stupid as I was expecting, though my bar was set pretty low. I agree with you on the dream sequence thing, it wasn't well done.


I don't have an issue with the dream sequence. If you remember Season 1, Molly has a stressed relationship with her father which was not made clear why. I don't think it's because she forgot what happened as a kid... it's more like the dream sequence was to finally accept it and let it go. Sort of like what a lot of people go through near the end of their own lives or when dealing with the death of others. Life is short and forgiveness is a huge part of freeing yourself from the things that drag you down and hold you back. I don't expect she will just die, but I wouldn't be too shocked if that's the endgame for the series... for her to die and end up being the martyr that brings the three species together.

Season 1 was pretty good. It wasn't my favorite show ever but it was something on during the summer and it was considerably fresh for a scifi. I felt like it covered some new ground. This season was just so different than the first. I think they tried too hard to strip Molly bare of any power and then build her back up to be likable and completely failed in the process. And that too is part of the problem. They had to tear down most of the characters to the point that I find none of them are likable except maybe (and I mean maybe) Ethan. It makes it hard to watch a show and not feel anything for the characters.

Yet, I'm still watching because as much as I feel like it's not worth watching anymore, I'm already too invested in it and I want to see how it ends. We have this week, next week, and the week after which is not a lot of commitment left considering we are still over half a month away from most fall shows from coming back. Maybe next season (if there is one) I won't even start watching... but for now, I am too invested to walk away like I did with Defiance. Then again, I stopped with Defiance during the season opener because I realized right away I wasn't enjoying it and I didn't care for the characters anymore.


but for now, I am too invested to walk away like I did with Defiance.
The premise of Extant makes it seem as if there was a good story in there somewehere. That makes it hard to give up on it entirely.


You know what? NOBODY gives a flying *beep* what you think! I am sick and tired of people who don't know squat about writing or producing movies or shows thinking they are such a great judge of what's good. People like you just love to piss on other people's creativity when they don't have enough creativity in their little finger to make a hand puppet from a paper bag! Why don't you do something you think is better and see how you like your work being criticized by ignorant know-it-alls!

If YOU don't like it, then don't watch it and let the one's who like it discuss it. We don't need your negative opinions and we are certainly capable of judging what we do and don't like without your opinions. I will NEVER understand some people's need to go piss on someone else's parade. Just STFU already!


"You know what? NOBODY gives a flying *beep* what you think! I am sick and tired of people who don't know squat about writing or producing movies or shows thinking they are such a great judge of what's good. People like you just love to piss on other people's creativity when they don't have enough creativity in their little finger to make a hand puppet from a paper bag!"

Victory is Mine!!!
