MovieChat Forums > Extant (2014) Discussion > Extant back to Top 20 shows last week.

Extant back to Top 20 shows last week.

They even beat Under The Dome on ratings. If CBS has to choose two summer scripted shows to renew, it will be Zoo and Extant.


I think extant will get a third season.


Oh god please don't renew Zoo. One of the worst this year.


Thank you for posting this. The premise of evolving humanichs and evolving hybrids is fresh and original. Yet for some reason, the trolls and haters are attracted to this board like bears to honey.


I've had a bit of a theory regarding IMDB boards. I've entertained the thought that people who are big at complaining about series and keep trolling an IMDB board of a show they claim they no longer watch or act as if someone has a gun to their head to watch something they hate, are people who are hired or involved with a competitive network or a writer trying to get people to not watch a particular show.

What other gain would any person have for going on an IMDB board of a series they supposedly hate? Maybe a few people are just so lacking in life that they have no other function but to spread their pathetic misery, but how about so many others.

I mean there are laughably bad series like Under the Dome where I can understand, but many of those people are enjoying the laughably bad and getting entertained. Those are not the ones I'm talking about.

It may seem like a crazy theory but if networks use these boards to make a decision, and I never really believed they did, but if they do ...

Anyway, I'm suspect of the chronic negative posters having more to their agenda then spreading their own apparent misery. Notice some posters who have newly created IDs or personas with little else in their history. A lot of times legitimate newbies announce their selves and don't tend to frequent IMDB boards of shows they hate.

Does that make sense? Hope my point came across.


I highly doubt studios hire "show assassins" to work social media boards. You've heard of pathological liars? Well I believe the evolution of anonymous social media has created the psychological complainer -- not to be confused with legitimate critiques. I've also noticed that when hate is directed to actors, it much more often directed at beautiful actresses. I.E. Halle Berry.


It only beat Under the Dome in the total viewers. UtD still beat Extant in 18-49 which is more important.

I think Zoo and Under the Dome will be renewed and I'm not sure about Extant. It's ratings are just so bad, but it's made by CBS, so that is a big plus.


My source is USA Today. They have the ratings report every Wednesday. It is worth mention because this is the first time Extant went back to top 20 since early first season. CBS must have done something right to revive the series. And the viewers notice the efforts so the ratings is climbing.


CBS just announced that they cancelled Under The Dome. The renewal of Extant suddenly looks bright.


This week Extant stayed at top 20 on ratings. I have no doubt CBS will renew it.
