MovieChat Forums > Extant (2014) Discussion > Season 2 way better

Season 2 way better

I didn't liked the first season, I hated it to be honest. I have only seen it because everyone in my house was a big fan of it. I wasn't going to see season 2, but I'm glad I did because it's way better than the first one. Anybody else feels the same?


I will agree season 2 improved in quality.


You're not alone. It's rare now a days for a show to build on a subpar first season but Extant managed to grow in quality and I find it to be engaging to watch now. A shame the ratings are suffering but it's still a good watch.


In what way is the second season better?

The episodes are piling up here and I don't feel tempted to watch them, since the first season became such a trainwreck and the finale felt like a big cope out. I am really wondering whether I should watch them or remove them from the list.


they still have huge problems in character & relationship development, it's not an area the writers are mastering, pretty much the opposite.

However the story is not as uninteresting as it was; the humanich vs hybrids angle holding great twist potential & i'm actually looking fw to know how it will unfold.

this being said, unlike BB or mr robot all this will be quickly forgotten once it's over.


Meanwhile I started with the season. It reminds me how the first season already had an interesting vibe when it came to the question, where life begins and AI ends. But as this show chickened out of that question by making the kid like a human child in any way and dropped the ball on the ethical backgroud entirely, I don't hold my breath for the new topic. Especially since it is handled so heavy-handed already. The dialogue where this military chick decides she wants superhuman strength based on a handshake was already rediculously naive. This show really tries to spell it out for the backrow which is second screen watching while listening to their ipod and making homework...


I wasn't even aware of Extant until Season 2. After asking around if I should binge watch S1 I was advised I didn't need to so I didn't. I love this show and refuse to post on threads that bash it ... the latest by a guy with a handgun as his emoticon.

Halle Berry is mesmerizing, gorgeous and charismatic up the wazoo. The chemistry between Molly and Richter is electric. I like that the hybrid human aliens evolve, most discovering morality. The death of Ahdu had me reminiscing about Rutger Hauer in Bladerunner. 'Like tears in the rain, time to die."

Also good is exploring Humanichs moral evolution if morality isn't built into their programming -- Lucy.
Yet I believe Ethan also did not have parameters built in? So there's some nice philosophical musings there, "the ghost in the machine" touched on by the film Ex Machina and the British series, Humans.

My one complaint is the Tobias Shepherd character and the cliched evil of the big bad industrial military machine. Now when Molly returns he flip flops again and seems to care for her?


Ethan didn't have his parameters built in (as Season 1 would have shown you) but he was designed to "evolve," i.e., to learn those moral parameters from his "parents" just as most children do. But Lucy (and clones) have no such capacity built in, that's why the parameters/limiters were supposed to be programmed in.

Tobias had always cared for her. He seems, however, to have no moral fortitude or consistency. Hopefully that's his character and not just sloppy writing.


however, to have no moral fortitude or consistency. Hopefully that's his character and not just sloppy writing.

I fear it's lazy writing. The plot needed to go here, so the character inconsistency was a forced contrivance.


My opinion from watching the first twenty min of season 2, it seems like all the other crap that Hollywood has produced in recent years. I'll give Extant one thing though I was surprised the Russians weren't portrayed as the evil bad guys.

Post 20min:
Ok so I have downloaded episode 2 which means I watched beyond the first twenty min. I was wrong there is a definite improvement solely because the show is totally different from season 1. Kudos to Hollywood I may have to alter some opinions.

Scary thought:
Oh no it just dawned on me were Hollywood is going with this. There going to bring dad back as a robot in season 3 but he won't be insanely nice he'll be a militarized killing machine! Ethan where are you, I'm your father...


Funny your broad brush re Hollywood ... which ironically, is no longer in Hollywood. Unless you count bean counters and corporate desk dwellers.


I was barely able to watch until the end of boring Season 1 and all I remember is basically annoying Molly just running after her stupid son all the time.

Season 2 has improved hugely and I am excited to see what happens in the next episode. Hopefully they will renew it for a Season 3!


Season 2 is a huge drop off in quality and in drama. The show has become very slow paced.


I like the second season, but I liked the first season a bit more, mainly because I really liked the mystery of what happened while Molly was in space and the cover-up/conspiracy after she got back to Earth (the eps where she was looking for her baby dragged bit though). I also liked some of the first season characters that aren't in the second season. I didn't like the first half of this season that much, but recently it has stated to pick up, and I've really been enjoying it. Overall, I've enjoyed both seasons, but for different reasons.


My attention toward this show has drifted off more this season while I remember it being rock-solid for the whole of the first season.

Can't concur saying Season 2 better just because there are more action-y bits. If anything the dialogue has become a little clunkier and I don't just mean Lucy calling Molly Halle (arf). Maybe there's a bit more chem between Molly and JD than Molly and Goran...


Yes!!! I LOVE the chemistry between Molly and JD !!!! Because of that, Season 2 is so much better!
