MovieChat Forums > Extant (2014) Discussion > So about TAALR (Taylor)

So about TAALR (Taylor)

Dollars to doughnuts he is probably behind the take over of the humanics. He killed John and was the one behind a lot of what has been happening so far. His saying that he has gone further regarding his original programming is his little hint.


Its copying the plot of iRobot. But yes, that exactly where it feels like its headed.


That's what I thought when the elevator went crazy on Julie and Ethan. If Calderon is good then TAALR is behind it all, although it could be both Calderon and TAALR.


"Its copying the plot of iRobot."

And iRobot copied stories from Isaac Asimov.

Victory is Mine!!!


And iRobot copied stories from Isaac Asimov.

Not quite.

This movie was a random script. Then they purchased the iRobot name and threw in random Asimov references.


"This movie was a random script. Then they purchased the iRobot name and threw in random Asimov references."

Not quite.

This show is a television script and was never written as a movie. There was never any purchase of any iRobot name and the creator admits borrowing several themes from Asimov.

Victory is Mine!!!


That's where I'm leaning. It's a very powerful AI, and has control of the humanics. I think it might have been being controlled by Calderon (sp) at first, but I think it got sentient and is now imposing its own will on humanity via the humanics.

After all, it did brag about being a million times more sophisticated since it was built by John and Calderon.




Who's the actor that talks for him. He sounds so familiar


Sounds like Dermot Mulroney


Regarding TAALR, I have three questions:

1. Where is Hideki Yasumoto? That could be him behind it all. He was playing all sides: The space program was his. He wanted that life sustaining substance. He also funded the HUMANICs and he wanted John dead.

Already centuries old, by now I'd think he be a hybrid - part alien, part HUMANIC, with a trace of human. And since the actor was criticized for being stiff in the first season, I think he'd be perfect to play the computer.

2. Where is Anna Schaefer? Julie called her right before John was killed. Julie also accused her of John's death right before her elevator incident. She's either behind TAALR or reports to him/her/it.

3. I forgot my third question since I've convinced myself it's the above two. However, I'm leaving this here as a placemark to come back and edit when I remember where I was going. lol


I like your point 1. I've been wondering whatever became of Yasumoto. I can't remember if he was supposed to have died or what - that plot line seems like centuries ago already! It would be pretty neat to fold him back into the story right at the end.


How many months passed between seasons and how many days did he have left? I can imagine going in and out of suspended animation takes a toll.


If they circled back to him, it would at least give a sense of closure. As it is, it just feels as if the whole show is jerked this way and then that way, and then up and then down, and then whatever.


Yeah it reminded me of Avenger: Age of Ultron when Jarvis was taken over by another AI. I know it's not exactly the same, but in the sense that AI's are doing $hit on their own is what I was referring to


TAALR probably wants humans and humanics extinct. He's just using the humanics as soldiers, since they're easy to control because they are essentially just robots that can be programed to do what he wants.


Was I right? Didn't that look like Hideki Yasumoto?


Definitely looked like John Woods.


Why would John kill Molly or Julie?


John wouldn't. But TAALR is made in his image just s the Humanic leader looked like Molly.


Yeah, that definitely looked like Goran Visnjic to me. I'm beginning to wonder if one of the following scenarios are possible:

A) John's death was staged (whether it was by him or by someone else) and he's actually alive.
B) TAALR had a Humanich built in the image of John to screw with everyone's heads. Because that's just as possible.

Other thoughts:

--Did Molly's Dad die? I don't think so, but I can't remember....
--Nicholas Calderon's still alive, but who's side is he on?
--Is Hideki Yasumoto still alive? And if so, that's a completely different can of worms right there....


I thought it was going to be a J.D. clone.


Yes. Sam-675 convinced me of that too. It is more reasonable since we saw a HUMANIC go back online.

However, it could still be Yasumoto behind the scene.


Taalr lives! Please let there be a season 3
