MovieChat Forums > Extant (2014) Discussion > This was definitely a SERIES FINALE vibe...

This was definitely a SERIES FINALE vibe...

it ended with no real shockers and you can wrap it up with a nice bow 🐮


What about TAYLER? ;)


Tayler has used emergency download to a humanoid and escaped.


Screw him, maybe he'll die from Starbucks poisoning.


Good one.


i thought that was smart; wrapped it up with an open ending.. if it gets canned.
can still go places if it gets renewed.

i expect that to be it though, and i'm fine with that.


I too expect it will be renewed or canned. 

"I wasn't totally sure what was happening. But I knew I wanted to stab someone."


I have to watch yet and sort of realized that it would be "open-ended" ; I am HOPING Molly does NOT kill my man JD like she keeps dreaming about - also hope (can't believe saying this) that Julie is alive n well. Well here I go watching now ......THANKS


Molly-A or Molly-B?


They definitely left the door open for another season and set it up neatly with TAALR in human form.

The ratings were not good, but last year's ratings were lousy too. It's a summer show, he ratings will never be good. HOWEVER...Extant is extremely popular on Amazon Instant, and CBS has a special deal with Amazon for Extant. That's why the show got renewed for a second season, and there's no reason to believe it can't get renewed again.


I do like season finales where you get a sense of closure, of victory rather than leaving all story arcs wide open. They left the door open a crack with whom we all presume is "Taylor" taking humanic form. One must then ask WHY didn't he do that before?

But yeah, it had a sort of "death star explodes" quality. Very similar ending to Falling Skies, cutting off the head of the snake. (no need to comment on FS. it was lame.)

So where do we go from here? One thought is Taylor-manic will convince the hybrids to ally with him against the humans -- after creating a scenario where humans "appear" to massacre hybrids. He may still have a strain of the original virus. And after the initial honeymoon between humans and hybrids wear off, the hybrids evolve to a point where they can longer make peace with humans. All of these are fairly cliche. Maybe no renewal.


I didn't get a series finale vibe
