Weak finale

man that last speech was so cookie cutter and saccharine. Everyone clapping the fact that there is an alien invasion. The writers have really taken a vacation. Season one was too subtle and season two is too over the top and obvious.


It's been weak for awhile.


Yeah, well let's hope our long international nightmare is now over.


Youre right. Our protagonists went through hell and back and there was a global security takeover on the brink, people with glowy eyes for the world to adjust to and accept, but the only conclusion required were some nice words from Molly Woods. The barista was so ho-hum, blasé about aliens among us. Business as usual. . .except for the mysterious guy in cliche get-up of TRENCHCOAT AND HAT (Groan). THe ending was wrapped up almost as an after thought.


The finale was good!


Boring as hell.


Where is the finale? I've been watching both Extant and Under the Dome on Amazon Prime, as far as I can see, they're both on their 11th episode. Normally they put up new episodes the next day but I still can't find last weeks' episodes. I am so lost!
