MovieChat Forums > Extant (2014) Discussion > Please answer a question if you know

Please answer a question if you know

Okay, more than one question.

I admit to not having watched every single episode. However, I found myself wondering why the alien impregnated Molly in the first place. I mean what was the end game?

Second, where did all the glowing eyed aliens come from? I thought it was just Molly's son who was extraterrestrial.

Third, well this is more of a rant than a question. When Molly was nearing death in the facility, her son came in with other aliens and made more than a few humans kill themselves using his Darth Vaderqesque mind control tactics. So it's a little disappointing that she sat there at the end of last night's episode looking at him like he was as innocent as a puppy. I wonder if he will be called to task for the harm that HE has done as well.


Yea, it just sounds like you missed a couple of the important episodes/scenes. Don't remember the exact details but i will try to answer them!

Basically, the aliens needed to find a new planet to live. I don't exactly remember but something disastrous was happening on their home planet.

The glowing eyes are hybrids. When Molly's son grew to his child body *he let off "signals" that allowed the aliens to find him and the suitable planet he was on (earth). Then the aliens came down and impregnated different women causing more hybrids to be born.

That wasn't Molly's son. Molly's son(Adhu), died when the virus was released. The guy in the finale was a completely different hybrid.


My understanding is that all the hybrids are children, grandchildren etc, of Adhu. That's why he was going around impregnating women, to increase the numbers of hybrids.

That's also why they're all Black or mixed race -- they're all descended from Molly.


That makes sense!! I i remember the child form of Adhu saying something like "they are coming" or "they are here." I have to look at the first season again to find the context of it.


Xysto is correct, all the aliens are hybrids and the offspring of Adu. All but one of the women he impregnated died due to the babies rejecting the host and bursting out. Only Molly and the one Asian woman Adu impregnated had a DNA marker that allowed them to become hybrids. When Adu realized what was happening to the women he and his MANY children when into hiding. By the time Molly found them, many had grown up because of rapid growth like Adu and were interbreeding at that point so they would no longer kill human hosts.
I also thought the one hybrid looked to much like Adu and would be confusing if not paying attention. I guess the writers wanted them to look related.
