Oh, What a JOKE...

Aww, the wittle feminazis can't stand to see the dominate male be placed in the dominate role? The scene where the (extremely unfunny) Schumer is in bed with the guy and HE'S become the emotional, needy one. What an F'n JOKE. Try again, pink Hollywood, but it's the FEMALE who is most likely the emotional train wreck clinging to the guy. I understand that Western females have never been as insecure throughout history as they are now and they/Hollywood have to make up for it by attempting to belittle and emasculate men, but this is laughable. Go ahead, Schumer; you can play the dominate female role belittling men left and right, but truth be told, it's the males dominating you and yours...end of story.

These pc-obsessed times are getting old.


Haha... sorry, it's not PC... it's a parody of how women behave. I'm sure Amy knows know guy would behave that way. Or pretty much no guy. Except for the weird gay thing. Again, not common but ithappens.

Humour. The bizarre. Not reportage. Get it?


lol what would you have preferred? A passionate and serious love making scene with a macho manly man in the middle of a film that made nearly every single character seem stupid?

"To avoid criticism, do nothing, say nothing, be nothing."


You are really, really bad at trolling. When you are forced to go somewhere else to troll you should try harder, I mean it's pretty much all you have to do with your time so you should get lots of practice in between masterbation.
