Mega Shark 1 or Mega Shark 2?

Given that MS vs. MS introduced a different MEG than the one that was featured in the previous two Mega Shark vs. films, what is your opinion on this?

Do you like that a different and new Meg was introduced, or would you have preferred the prior Meg from the previous films to *again* somehow survived and continued on in the series?

Both sharks are essentially the same character, though personally, I kinda liked the continuity of the Meg from the previous films battling a Giant Octopus, and then, of all things, a Crocosaurus.


As a fan of The Asylum, I have seen all of these films, but the amount of attention given during viewing varies greatly. I say this because I actually tried to pay attention to this one, (because of Judge), and was utterly confused by the lack of continuity. It is in fact how I wound up here, on IMDB, as I was reviewing the previous films, trying to make connections that I thought would be there, but apparently aren't.

The short answer being I would much prefer the original MS, as well as continuity of characters.
