Where do you really think it started to spiral or was it?

So at what point did you think the band started to disseminate??
1. The manager - for not making them go back to their homeland
2. The punch in the face - the loss of his smell and taste (though it didn't appear his ability to be with a woman was affected like the doctor said)
3. Michael's lifestyle
4. The prozac - which if not taking correctly and/or with alcohol can make your brain chemicals totally whacked out and/or can cause suicidal tendencies
5. Not at all, they just started to blossom again and had hit a simple plateau.

I was in my kitchen cleaning a dish. I heard it, I came out.
... Dane Cook


2. The punch in the face - the loss of his smell and taste.


2. The punch in the face - the loss of his smell and taste.

Come on. Anosmia can lead to depression in some cases but it's pretty clear he had other issues. He was probably one of (too) many people affected with bipolar disorder who remain undiagnosed until they kill themselves.

For every lie I unlearn I learn something new - Ani Difranco


4. The prozac - which if not taking correctly and/or with alcohol can make your brain chemicals totally whacked out and/or can cause suicidal tendencies.
