MovieChat Forums > Little Favour (2013) Discussion > Vogue's Anna Wintour Gave a Dinner in Be...

Vogue's Anna Wintour Gave a Dinner in Benedict's Honour

I happened upon this little gem in the Evening Standard. It's an interview with actor Douglas Booth (no, I don't know him either) in which he says, "I had an invitation in the post the other day: “Anna Wintour invites you to a dinner in honour of Benedict Cumberbatch”. At first I thought it was hilarious, and then I thought, “Ben’s doing well!” th-on-following-dicaprio-and-leading-londons-corset-crew-8842008.html


They were photographed together during London Fashion Week 2011, erry-salon-london-fashion-week/hq4.jpg ion-week/

And a not so happy BC with jacket erry-salon-london-fashion-week/hq3.jpg

and still bothered even after taking off the jacket erry-salon-london-fashion-week/hq5.jpg

And look, Claire Foy!
:Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate.


He really sticks out in those pictures, doesn't he? He looks like the father surrounded by a bunch of kids.


This just seems so surreal to me. Random dinner thrown in honor of, oh, I dunno, just You Being You! And all the wonderfulness that entails. Hm!
Well, maybe it's something she does often for various people; maybe it's part of her gig. How does a person choose the menu for such an event?


Yeah, it's very odd. Not that someone would want to honour Benedict, but that there didn't seem to be any specific reason for it. I mean, it's not like it was his birthday or anything.

I like your 'Just Being You! And all the wonderfulness that entails' concept.


I feel like I want to start having dinners in honor of various people. And send out fancy gilded invites, just to mess with heads. Heck why wait for an occasion? Maybe I'll have dinners in honor of random people I don't even know. Or my cat. Liking this idea a lot!

ETA: Visualizing Benedict opening what he thinks is typical fan mail and instead it's a gilded card inviting him to dinner in honor of Fluffy.


I'm having "All Creatures Great and Small" flashbacks: Mr Herriot being invited to dinner by Trickie-Woo.

She seems to be quite a powerhouse though, does Ms Wintour. That she's so impressed with Benedict as to have a dinner for him can't be a bad thing.

