MovieChat Forums > Then There Was Discussion > The movie is also a cautionary urban war...

The movie is also a cautionary urban warning

Go to YouTube and watch the National Geographic special, BLACKOUT. It's supposed to be a, 'what-if', documentary in the event of a catastrophic, nation-wide power outage caused by cyber-attack on the national power-grid computer control systems. In the depiction it takes just three days before social order collapses. The documentary ends on a happy note as after two weeks, power is restored to most parts of the nation, ending the chaos.

But you'd better believe it that social order will collapse without power. As depicted in National Geographic and other possible depictions and sci-fi movies, civilization simply cannot go back to the 19th century in an orderly fashion. It is just not possible. We have just too much reliance on electrically-powered contrivances and machines to run our daily lives. We're not equipped nor prepared to return overnight to a life style of the 19th century.

Some people have said that man is still an animal as theologians hotly denounce that statement. Man is supposed to be a divinely-inspired and divinely-created creature of body, soul, and sentient intellect by the Divine Creator. I can say that is all true while still believing the Creator divinely created Man through evolution. Our bodies show too much physical evidence of evolution.
We are still mammals. And like all mammals, place top priority on food and when food is scarce, we show behavior not much different than other mammalian species.

The moral of all of this is to be prepared, individually, as a family, and as a member of a community banded together for mutual support and mutual defense. One family cannot defend itself against marauding bands of desperate and armed men invading your neighborhood or town for food and supplies. And while it's honorable to say that you will not degenerate into animals, reluctance to defend yourself or refusal to band together with neighbors for mutual defense amounts to suicide. The problem shown in these scenarios is how petty jealousies, grudges, fear, selfishness, ego trips, mutual distrust, can all work against a community that should be organizing itself for mutual support and defense. In the movie the town had a sheriff, although I didn't see a mayor or other voted officials who should have been there. One sheriff was clearly insufficient. There should have been pre-selected voluntary deputies.

As an individual and as a family you need to have supplies and water stocked up and at least some means of self-defense, even if you're anti-gun and NRA-haters. You're not going to sacrifice your wife and children in the name of anti-gun sentiment. At least have hand weapons available. It's possible to be a sincere pacifist while defending oneself and family, in accordance not just with Christianity, but with Buddhism, which is more pacifistic than Christianity. Haven't you heard of peaceful Shaolin monks who are kung fu experts? Those monks aren't suicidal pacifists who stand there and let criminals kill them.


I think your post is very thoughtful and I have to say I agree. I am rethinking stocking up on nonperishables and bottled water. We do have a handgun in the house but maybe we need to buy more bullets! Thanks for your post.


What are you going to do with bullets, throw them? Bullets are harmless pieces of lead, What you need is ammunition.

The most important thing is sincerity. If you can fake that you've got it made.
I want to win the Nobel Peace Prize so bad that I would kill for it
If boxing is a manly sport why do they fight for a purse?


Wow, what a douche bag you are. Sorry I'm a woman who doesn't have the proper vernacular. F off.


That sir, was a truly epic comment!

I'm running this monkey farm now Frankenstein and I wanna know what the f*k your doing with my time
