7.3 really?

not trolling here, but i cant believe this show is a 7.3 i have recorded every episode and been bored like everytime. moth man last night was the last straw i am out. the only reason i kept recording was paranormal really interests me but the stories were so weird, and i cant take it anymore. moth man...seriously?



I am confused; you mean that you have NEVER heard of the "mothman" before this show?


Networks create many accounts to post positive reviews and ratings for their shows. If you look at some of the reviews they have been created just to write that positive review.
This has happened on the paranormal paparazzi and other shows like it.

As we grow we learn, i have learned that if you don't like me grow up or ignore me.


Not any real new info from other shows. On the other unexplained shows they were able to duplicate the triangle UFO's as a hoax....having worked with lasers lights I found it easy to duplicate a slow moving or stationary object appear to move away at ridiculous speeds A controlled balloon with a structure with laser lights controlled and you have a UFO that appears to disappear across the sky in a instant. Unknown military bases...surely they have humans who work there with families that they go home to...there definitely would be a leak ....Area 51 did...


Just a note of caution. Some of these shows give the impression that, because they can duplicate an event, the actual event must have been faked in the same or a similar way. This is a logical fallacy.

Please note too that most people take their secrecy oaths seriously and wish to avoid 10-year prison sentences and heavy fines. That's why most leakers are anonymous and those that aren't are probably full of bull or on their death bed.

Re: UFOs - The U.S. and J. Edgar Hoover denied the existence of the Mafia for decades until Mafia soldier Joseph Valachi testified to its existence before the U.S. Senate. This, in spite of the fact that everyone knew the Mafia existed.
