This better not be...

A film about people losing their minds because they are isolated for to long. Their better be some sort of bacteria infection, Indian ghosts, or Aliens.



[/spoiler]It is[/spoiler]


Indian ghosts I guess, halfway through it right now and it's *beep* until the deep rumbling voice starts talking at night.

an octopus disease

also the 'bad guy' is a wendigo

I honestly have no idea what's happening in this movie most of the time cause nothing makes sense.

Trust no one.


Well I think it's based on the scientific conjecture that there was an advanced civilization 20,000+ years ago that was wiped out due to an unknown catastrophe.


The film drags and drags and drags. I shut it off once already and came back to it and still nothing of any real interest has happened. But I sure want a cigarette!!


Yes, it is a slow-paced film. Some people like horror with a slow build. This is clearly not a film for those who prefer fast-paced action and quick resolution.


This movie is about the call of Cthulhu.
