Just went to set

Went and saw the set design today. All looking quite like the original however no puppets will be used. The characters will be animated.


I wouldn't have been happy with an all CGI series but the blend of actual models and CGI characters sounds promising.

Trying to use puppets again would have probably have been too time consuming hence expensive.


Also, puppets were very limited, you could not really make them walk in a realistic manor and you could not make them run really. It also requires a lot more operators to get the puppets to work fully, so I am fine with them going over to CGI to animate them.


Well it's now up to the production team to make it all work. Pity they're not using the original Barry Gray music.


They were marionettes.

The new character designs make them look like a bunch of schoolboys. If Gerry Anderson gave the producers his blessing then why not use the original character designs combined with CGI as they did in the water commercial with Brains?

"I say,open this door at once! We're British !"


The CG character designs are horrendous.

They probably had a fantastic opportunity to make a *good* (unlike the abomination that was last Universal movie release of Thunderbirds) live action with combined CG and miniature effects, but nope. CG. Because, allegedly, it works better with kids (which, after all, is what this series is aimed).

*Screams* will NOBODY think of the children!

I remember the hassle everybody went through with the CG Captain Scarlet. CG is the new puppetry. Having worked for a VFX company that replaced animatronics through CG, it's a shame.


After seeing the CGI characters, I am now worried for this reboot, they look like they are some early concept design, not even close to the quality they should be.


Apparently, they are not interested in courting the existing fan base at all.

Why am I not surprised ?

"I say,open this door at once! We're British !"


That CG Captain Scarlet series is a decade old now, and yet it looks far superior digitally than this new Thunderbirds show does?

What the hell gives? 


Name's Django, The D is silent.
