Season 3 episode 7

After a few bad hits I liked this episode.

Kate and Rita have such great chemistry together - its magical.

Noah is trying to act cute, but I don't know about him just yet. I'm still aligned with Duke.

Lauren and Liam.....just NO!!!

Okay - so, Sabrina is going to use Amy's sexuality to get her to turn against Karma, but when things get too serious she will reveal the truth to Amy. Therefore, leaving her crushed.

But, Amy seriously, why would you fall for that??

Silence is Golden and duct tape is Silver


Did anyone see the sneak peek? I was hoping/believing the Karmy kiss wasn't a dream but I guess I was wrong. Don't know what to expect from the rest of the season. I don get why they are putting a dream right now? I doesn't really make sense unleast they do something with this in the finale


Has it been confirmed that the kiss is from a dream?

The kiss could be from a dream. Or not. It could be real. We'll know soon enough. 😊

"You're an idiot." - Irisa Nolan, Defiance (2013)


People keep saying it was a dream because it cuts to Amy with disheveled hair. But we'll find out who's right soon enough. 😃


Yeah, I really like the episode too. I thought it was really funny. I enjoy every minute of it. Just don't know where all this is going with the Sabrina/Amy/Karma situation though


Noah is kind of bleh for me atm. He's a new character though, so I won't judge him harshly. Also, the guy playing Noah's acting is kind of dull. Or maybe it's the writing? Duke was not only sexy but the way he presented himself made me like him (confident, funny, caring).

Okay - so, Sabrina is going to use Amy's sexuality to get her to turn against Karma, but when things get too serious she will reveal the truth to Amy. Therefore, leaving her crushed.

That's what I am thinking will happen too. Kinda predictable, but I am still excited to see how everything goes down, and how Amy will pick herself back up.

"You're an idiot." - Irisa Nolan, Defiance (2013)


Yep!!! It will be so damn predictable. But, I've also seen situations where just when you Faking it is going to zig - it zags. But, for now that's where I think the story is going.

I think the kiss is Amy's dream. There's a minute long clip on where - Karma kisses her, but Amy pushes her back and tells her that she won't go there with her again, then Sabrina shows up.

I'm not getting mad, because - why bother. But, since they are doing this now the finale should have something special.

Noah is further character development for Shane. But, at the end of the day why would Shane settle down with someone who's transgender??? I like the inclusion of the character, - especially having someone who's actually trans in the role. But, I don't buy it.

Silence is Golden and duct tape is Silver


I just read that the guy that plays Noah is actually a trans guy! I seriously had no idea. I wonder if the character, Noah, will also turn out to be a trans guy and that will create a predicament for Shane.


Yup. The character is trans too according to press releases.
