Season 3 episode 8

No one should've be upset about the kiss/dream since MTV had the clip on their website. Besides, if Karma took such a leap it would not have happened in episode 8.

Was the button label nonsense directed at the fans or what??

Still hate Felix. The character/actor is boring and bland - such a turn off. Noah & Sabrina's on that list to

Shane's character development is a step forward - but I'm still not buying he's trans love.

So, once again Karma needs Amy to move on so that she questions her true feelings.

This episode was atrocious. I don't even care anymore - I'm just watching just for the sake of it.

Silence is Golden and duct tape is Silver


No one should be upset about the kiss dream since MTV had the clip on their website. Besides, if Karma took such a leap it would not have happened in episode 8.

I agree that nobody should've expected the kiss to be anything other than a dream.

Was the button label nonsense directed at the fans or what??

Yes. But the writers are still missing the point (either out of ignorance, or more likely just choosing to miss it), I haven't seen people being angry that Amy refuses to label herself, I've seen people being angry because there was interviews being given by people on the show that explicitly stated that Amy was going to figure herself out as a lesbian, and not as fluid/unlabeled.

I've got nothing against God, it's his fanclub I can't stand


No one should be upset about the kiss dream since MTV had the clip on their website. Besides, if Karma took such a leap it would not have happened in episode 8.

I'm disappointed because I saw the mid-season trailer and I was duped into thinking that confession from Karma was real.
Was the button label nonsense directed at the fans or what??

Carter Covington posted that tonight Amy was "finally going to label herself - don't miss it" so yeah I think it was directed at fans.
Still hate Felix. The character/actor is boring and bland - such a turn off.

I agree. What a lame character.
Noah & Sabrina's on that list too.

To me Sabrina is the only interesting thing going on right now. I think she's really pretty and she has a right to like Amy and want time alone with her. But it looks like the writers are going to say she's straight which annoys me.
Shane's character development is a step forward - but I'm still not buying he's trans love.

I don't like Noah much either, and I don't see the chemistry with Shane.
So, once again Karma needs Amy to move on so that she questions her true feelings.

This episode was atrocious. I don't even care anymore - I'm just watching just for the sake of it.

I enjoyed the interactions between Liam and Lauren, and Amy and Sabrina. But other than that I thought it was a bad episode too. The self-labeling exercise was ridiculous and principal Penelope is starting to bother me. And I was disappointed that the Karmy scenes in the mid-season trailer were just a dream. And moreover I am disappointed knowing that this is probably the last season, and with probably only 2 episodes left.


Liam and Lauren along with Amy and Sabrina are my favorites right now too.

With two episodes left, I think the show might end on a cliffhanger of sorts. And since there's a good chance the show won't be getting renewed, us Faking It fans better brace ourselves for disappointment.

"You're an idiot." - Irisa Nolan, Defiance (2013)


The creator actually said that the finale was written with the possibility that it might be the last episode.

"On my last show [10 Things I Hate About You], we ended on crazy cliffhangers," Covington says. "There was no resolution and it was really hard for me. On this show, I'm really trying to feed some answers [this season] so that if the show were to end, there wouldn't feel like everything got dropped off a cliff. I had that in my mind this season, just knowing the way TV works, you just never know if you're going to get more. Should this show not go past this season, I think it's rewarding in its own right."

But he has fed the viewers a bunch of lies in interviews before, so who knows.

I've got nothing against God, it's his fanclub I can't stand


I agree about Penelope as well. She had that stupid notion during Halloween - it's focking Halloween. Now, the label situation.

Amy doesn't want to label herself but she's dreaming about kissing girls and, so far has only kissed girls this season.

I would like another season, but I don't think I can stand another season of this subterfuge and chaos. At this point I can only hope for some kind of finality with Amy & Karma.

Silence is Golden and duct tape is Silver


Amy doesn't want to label herself but she's dreaming about kissing girls and, so far has only kissed girls this season.

Kissed, yes, but she has at times been pretty eager for new years so that Felix is allowed to date.

I've got nothing against God, it's his fanclub I can't stand


I'm going to kill someone if the show ends with Amy and Felix are together.

"You're an idiot." - Irisa Nolan, Defiance (2013)


I'll bring the weapons. 

But, as much as they've toyed with fans I don't think they have the balls to do that.

Silence is Golden and duct tape is Silver


Thank you! This made me smile. :)


One of the worst episodes this show's had. The teacher is really getting annoying with that PC crap. For some reason I despise the whole Sabrina thing. And they felt the need to introduce yet another alternative lifestyle character? C'mon, work on the ones you've got. The whole thing is turning into a circus.


If the portrayal of many different sexualities/identities bothers you, they you are really watching the wrong show. The inclusiveness of many different types of sexualities and identities is one of the things I like most about the show. The only thing they're lacking is a good lesbian. The only lesbian to appear in more than a few episodes so far was a clingy biphobe.

I've got nothing against God, it's his fanclub I can't stand


Let's face it, it was a bad episode. On the one hand the tag line of the episode is "Untitled - Who Needs Labels?" but at the same time they have literally everyone on the show labeling themselves except for Amy (the one person Carter Convington said would finally label herself). I love Faking It but it was not their best episode episode.

I agree with you the show needs a positive lesbian character, other than the bi-phobic one you mentioned. A lot of girls are lesbians. According to one poll it was around 15% of girls. It doesn't seem possible that in an entire high school, especially one that accepts everyone, there isn't even a single lesbian.


If the portrayal of many different sexualities/identities bothers you, they you are really watching the wrong show.

Don't try to twist my words. The writers just keep introducing these LGBT characters as if that were good writing in itself. He'll probably be forgotten in a few episodes anyway, while the show's core keeps getting neglected.


Shane needed a new love interest anyway, which would mean that the show had to introduce a new character, so why not have it be a trans* guy...

I've got nothing against God, it's his fanclub I can't stand


You may recall that Noah was introduced in an earlier episode. The OP is talking about the asexual guy that was introduced in the last episode. To be honest I have mixed feelings about that myself.


You sure about that? I think it was about Noah. He wasn't established as trans until this episode. Some people knew about it because of spoilers/interviews, but not everybody reads those, so a lot of people probably didn't know that he was a trans-guy.

I've got nothing against God, it's his fanclub I can't stand


The writers just keep introducing these LGBT characters as if that were good writing in itself.

I think they're doing that to parody Glee.
