Davis and Alexis go to that abandon house in the woods and watch the home movie in the attic. So, who's paying the electric bill all these years?

There is no "off" position on the genius switch.


LOL! And the the projector is threaded exactly to the part of the film that will give the kids just enough clues for the story. And the projector works fine on the first try after sitting in a dusty attic for decades....I call this movie a silly thing!


My impression was that that was the only scene filmed, that little lake scene that shows the brothers with their sister, and that Josh (the farm dad) liked to frequently visit this retreat he set up and watch that scene over and over. He set it up for himself so he could do that, maybe rewinding it each time before he left. So the projector was used a lot. And the electricity was kept on and paid for so he could do that and stay in this retreat place whenever he wanted. His daughter, wondering where he went all the time, followed him one time. She tells Davis this before they go there together.

When you get up in the morning, how do you decide what shade of black to wear? (Shallow Grave)


Uncle Josh is paying the electric bill (the older farm dad), it is his secret retreat. Alexis tells Davis this before they go and that she followed him there to find out where he always goes.

When you get up in the morning, how do you decide what shade of black to wear? (Shallow Grave)


I found it amusing that Davis tells her to put the bracelet back in the box 'carefully' so nobody will know that they were there. But..neither of them realizes that they need to rewind the movie back to the beginning


Not a goof.
