The ending?

The last few minutes of the ending I was excited about until we did not get to see what they saw. Overall loved this but I hope for a second season (watching on Netflix) because I want to know who set Darknet up.


I feel exactly the same way. Here's hoping for a 2nd series.


I got a hellraiser vibe from the ending. Like it Satancoming for them.


Have you ever seen the movie Resolution? I won't spoil it for you (as it is one of my favorite movies), but I assume that they have similar endings.


There was a movie that did something like that, can't remember the film. Damn


Glad see someone else watched that movie! a totally excellent film, and man the group discussion we had after THAT film. fun times. but yeah after watching some darknet eps I can see why one would be reminded... i totally want to watch that movie again
(def more to watch with others)


I believe that they seen themselves at the end or other people were coming to kill them.

Another day another dream


Or a slight variation on that concept is that they see US -- the viewers. That would be really freaky, since it would totally suspend disbelief and bring the entire series out into our world so to speak. It gives me shivers just thinking about it.


They've seen that we- the viewers have been watching them all along


That's an awesome explanation and a great ending


There was a movie that did something like that, can't remember the film. Damn


Check out the site and watch the video titled 'Oh God'. They were being initiated. Shows the names of users on the site, the 3 from the series are highlighted there in red.

'She is a predator posing as a house pet'
-Tyler Durden


What happens in it? Vimeo won't let me access it, and there's nothing on YT.
