Love this movie!

It's cute, it's funny, it's real!! Leslie's character is so endearing.
Why is this board so vacant? :)


I'm really enjoying it too. It didn't get a lot of exposure- I just ran across it on Netflix


I agree, it was funny in a low-key way and fresh.

But it premiered at a film festival and must not have been picked up by a studio who would have put a big advertising budget behind it. I'd never heard of it and only knew one of the actors, vaguely. I happened to catch it on Showtime, in the 6a.m. range.

It was good enough, though, to persuade me to check Liz Truccilio IMDb page and make a note to check out her next projects. I'd much rather see what she's going to come up with than whatever bloated rom-com production might attract the likes of Katherine Heigl or Kate Hudson.


It was "cute" alright...Though does romanticize cheating to some degree. We all pretend to be Frannie and relate to her when really we're probably gonna be Jodi lol


Laughed out loud a few times which is rare for me. Hilarious when Frannie sucked out of the mayo container and when she gave herself a sponge bath with kleenex.


Imin Theater,

What you said is so true. I really did feel somewhat sorry for Jodi. Especially if she is wealthy--because that may mean she was not with him necessarily for the money. Though if she believed that money should date and marry money then I would feel less sorry for her.

I am Jodi on the level of I would try to be extremely trusting of my boyfriend even though the arrangement would make me feel jealous, insecure and very concerned that he would redevelop feelings for his ex in the process.

But I would be Frannie in that I would nurse my boyfriend back to health for 2 years and then he would dump me and move on with another woman and become a millionaire. Except I would not have the tenacity to have him take care of me the way Frannie did. So I would end up on the losing end either way.


I love this movie too! Oddly, all of the characters are likeable in some endearing way.
