MovieChat Forums > Lizzie Borden Took an Ax (2014) Discussion > Discussion thread about choice of soundt...

Discussion thread about choice of soundtrack...

I posted this in another thread, but that thread seems to care more about bickering over the maid's name. So, I've deleted from there and made this thread for people to voice their opinions about whether they liked it or not. I thought it was terrible as did my friends.

This movie had so much potential. The biker bar music made it almost unwatchable. Also Christina Ricci's acting was on level with a high school drama club. She has been decent in other things, but her contrived reading of the lines combined with the inappropriate music and random modern nuances in dialogue and behaviors, it pulled the viewer right out of the story.
This could have been a cult classic, but they cheapened it with unnecessary trend. While current music has worked with some movies, such as Marie Antoinette, it is a tricky thing to pull off, and LBTAA did not. at all. I kept wondering if Ricci owed the band a favor or if the band was related to someone else in production, because it was that terrible. What were they thinking. I suppose people with no real appreciation for period/historical films would love it. A perfect movie for a night in, when not out twerking at da club. Blech.


I thought the soundtrack was BRILLIANT. i guess you didn't appreciate the film "Lawless" either...Do you know what "Southern Gothic" is?

"IMdB; where 14 year olds can act like jaded 40 year old critics...'


Southern gothic or whatever you want to label it, it was so inappropriate, loud, and awkward as it didn't suit the scenes, it pulled one right out of the story. Music is meant to accompany a scene, not steal it. Perhaps if this had been a western(?) or musical, but Victorian era New England? The story doesn't take place in the south. You know this is based or inspired by the true story, going as far as to use the factual names and location, right? Rhetorical. Anyway, the movie was promoted heavily and it seemed to have great potential, but it didn't tout it as being a musical or parody. It was surprisingly bad.


Finally got around to watching it (recorded it months ago) and music was HORRID. Traditional music that fit the time ear should have been used. Loud, crap music. Ruined the movie .


It worked for me as well. I can't say why it clicked for me and yet distracted so many others. Music is so timeless and universal. The eerie background tones and timing of the pieces helped paint the mood, worked with the directing style and fit the themes of the movie.

Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering


I loved the soundtrack. I don't get what so many people are b!tching about. The Great Gatsby did the same thing and no one complained. And that movie used modern-day hip hop... HIP-HOP!

Fear What's Inside...


Normally I hate contemporary music in a period piece, but for some reason I liked it here. It provided a very creepy and menacing vibe to the film's atmosphere.


My 18-year old daughter and I both agreed that the music was brilliant! To each his own for sure -- it looks like so far people are about equally divided on whether the risk they took on the music worked or not.

Some mistakes are too much fun to only make once. ;)
