
As fun as it is to hold Lizzie up to other famous killers, many theories have come out disclaiming the charges she killed her parents.
The urban legend is great, the truth is probably much different. Why is there no movie proving her innocence? Simple. It's not as satisfying.


When has a script writer or a filmmaker ever let the facts get in the way of a good story? People watch movies like this for interest and entertainment, not for historical accuracy.

Make a choice, to take a chance, to make a difference.


I agree. The movies (and even documentaries) always pin has as guilty and getting away with it for the entertainment factor. I personally believe that she didn't commit the murders, but would that be as interesting to see as a viewer? Probably not.

"I ate a pear. I ate three pairs." - Lizzie Borden


I've been studying the Borden case for decades. In my opinion, Lizzie did it. The facts are what lead me to this conclusion, not any movie.

Motive: She had a BIG one, and it's a golden-oldie: MONEY...lots of it.
Opportunity: She was the ONLY one in the house when her stepmother was killed. All doors locked. When Andrew was murdered, there was one other person in the house...the maid, Bridgette,but she had NO motive. She may have helped Lizzie though by omitting certain facts during the inquest and trial.
Means: Axes? They're everywhere. Those were the exact words Lizzie said to the first police officer who asked her if there was an ax in the house. Lizzie was a stout, hardy woman...she had chopped wood and knew how to use an ax. (Who doesn't?)

There are other pieces of evidence, but if you're interested, check out lizzieandrewborden.com. Especially the forum; it's full of folks discussing the case.


I am surprised at that actually. Even if they could come up with a believable alternate theory it might be fun.

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