Lizzie Borden Nursery Rhyme.

Did that ever creep you out when y'all were kids?? It sure did creep me out when I was a kid.


I've never heard it until a few years ago in a TV special ( I forget which one, but I'm more familiar with the Ghost Adventures episode).
Creepy as heck though.

Lizzie Borden took an axe
She gave her mother forty whacks
When she saw what she had done
She gave her father forty-one


Actually, it's the other way around......

Lizzie Borden gave her mother forty whacks
When she saw what she had done, she gave her father forty-one

But still creepy as hell.


Yeah, edited.


Any idea when that nursery rhyme surfaced? Surely not as quickly as portrayed in the movie!

Delinquent Nancy*
Gentlemen, you can't fight in here! This is the War Room!


by cookie1919-361-891757 » Sat Jan 25 2014 22:04:38 Flag ▼ | Reply |
IMDb member since May 2012
Post Edited: Sat Jan 25 2014 22:05:03
Did that ever creep you out when y'all were kids?? It sure did creep me out when I was a kid.

Not particularly, since I had no idea who this person was until many years later.

Truly a victim of some of the worst police work in the history of law enforcement, and truly a victim of wagging tongues by people speculating all kinds of abuse allegations that were fictional at best, and damn lies and libeling at worst.

Why this poor woman continues to be castigated is beyond me.

She is not, was not, never will be, a murderess. A shy woman who plays games with kids by leaving out cookies suddenly has the urge to hack up her parents? All the while there's an eye witness a couple houses over, and the actual weapon is found, and the culprit even raved about what he (and it was a HE / male) had done?

I cannot believe the depraved cottage industry that has sprouted around this poor woman's misfortune.
