MovieChat Forums > Lizzie Borden Took an Ax (2014) Discussion > Regarding the pigeons... (possible spoil...

Regarding the pigeons... (possible spoilers)

At one pint we see Lizzie cleaning the coop of bloody feathers/pigeons? Did we see how they died? I keep hearing her father killed them. I did not see it happen on the movie- I did the leave the room a moment is why I ask- it could have happened when I was away. Can anyone shed some light on the films dead pigeon scene and/or the actual (if there was an actual) dead pigeon scene? Thank you so much!

"Try not to take life too seriously, no one gets out alive."


That scene was confusing to me as well. It is known that in actuality, Andrew did kill some pigeons that Lizzie considered her pets (Lizzie was an animal lover, especially in the later part of her life). However, in the movie it almost makes it seem like she killed them herself. There is a scene of someone killing them with a hatchet or axe, and then Lizzie very dispassionately cleaning out the bloody hay. The whole thing was odd to me.


Thank you for clearing that up! Regarding the actuality of it.

Yes, in the movie they depicted that scene as if she herself had killed the pigeons?! It was very odd nonetheless. I thought I missed something. Very odd indeed!

"Try not to take life too seriously, no one gets out alive."



How do you know, were you there?

Once Upon A Time Abridged





Just jumping on the topic of sexual abuse and assuming that it DID happen based on the fact that it could have happened is illogical. No evidence exists to indicate Andrew Borden was anything but a normal, fairly miserly old man. What, because "everyone holds up old religious people up on pedestals as if they can do no wrong" means that, what? Every old religious person around was or is molesting or beating their children? An opinion is fine, but bandying about something as fact when you have no real evidence whatsoever is absurd.



I'm not defending him, I'm defending logic.

But I begin to suspect I'm just wasting my time.



A lot of the books written about Lizzie Borden seem to speculate that something like that might have been going on. '

Kades! [/love]


History indicates that Andrew killed Lizzie's pigeons because they were attracting intruders to the barn.

*I Write Things*


At one pint we see Lizzie cleaning the coop of bloody feathers/pigeons? Did we see how they died? I keep hearing her father killed them. I did not see it happen on the movie- I did the leave the room a moment is why I ask- it could have happened when I was away. Can anyone shed some light on the films dead pigeon scene and/or the actual (if there was an actual) dead pigeon scene? Thank you so much!

Watch it again. While the pigeons are being killed Lizzie is awakened by the noises, gets up and peers out the window to see what's going on.

"Try not to take life too seriously, no one gets out alive."

Swing away, Merrill....Merrill, swing away...


The real Lizzie loved birds, and not only hung nine birdhouses and feeders around her Maplethorpe backyard, but also stipulated in her will that whoever bought the property after her death must promise to never take them down.

Killing the pigeons seems needlessly cruel of Andrew. Pigeons aren't tiny, helpless canaries; set them loose if they're attracting predators.
