Who was the man...?

...by the barn? What was with the random guy Lizzie was making eye contact with before the murder? There was another brief scene of them kissing, I'm so confused...was he an accomplice in the murder?
Who was he supposed to be?



What reports? There were no reports

Once Upon A Time Abridged http://onceuponatimeabridged.blogspot.com/



How do you know what most fathers want? He was a well off man and a notorious penny pincher. He probably didn't want her marrying someone of lesser status or someone out to get money.

But a lot of your BS is just nothing more than internet speculation that you've brought over to try and get attention

Once Upon A Time Abridged http://onceuponatimeabridged.blogspot.com/





Can someone answer this now? Just watched the movie and it's bugging me
