Very disappointing

I love red heads, I thought this film would be a more possitve. Scott is too self loathing and hates on other red heads calling them all ugly. What the hell... The reason he isn't getting positive attention from anyone in the park is because he comes off as a tool.
Not to mention the documentary it self, filming wise wasn't very good and the volume was very inconsistent.


I feel you missed the point that his attitude towards gingers changed as he began to see what he hated wasn't ginger girls but himself. After years of bullying it set into him to hate what he saw in the mirror and he reflected that towards female gingers. As he said the film was intended to be humourous but ignoring the bullying would've been wrong as well. The movie, in my opinion, came full circle. I thought it endearing with humour placed throughout. As for film quality I haven't a clue. I love documentaries but haven't studied film. I simply enjoyed this one for what it was-insight into the thinking of one ginger man.


I'll admit I made this post when I was only a little more than half way through the film and I did see how he ended up asking a redhead out so that's nice....
I hope he's happier with himself now, after making this film.
I just didn't like this documentary, I haven't studied film either but I don't need to to know he's not the best at it :P
