Pissed at IMDB

I am pissed that IMDB listed this movie as Drama | History | Sci-Fi | Thriller. Through the research i did after watching this movie it is obliviously fiction. I never would have taken the time to watch it if IMDB had not listed it as History.

Can you say Discovery Channel Megalodon in shark week


I would hardly label it as Sci-Fi

Can you fly this plane?
Surely u cant be serious
I am serious,and dont call me Shirley


My provider's guide has it listed as Mystery/Suspense


I would have thought you a little smarter than this. The first thing to note is that it was listed under SCI-FI. (FI is short for?.....dead air here....FICTION! Yup! ding! ding! ding! ding! You got it! Now for the second clue: "History"....think now...take a minute.....HISTORICAL FICTION!!!!! Give the man a hand!! Yup, they do it all the time. Ever heard of "Gone With the Wind"? That is called a "HISTORICAL NOVEL" and it was later made into a Historical Fiction Movie.... This fictional movie Capsule is based on cold war activities in the 50's when Royal Air Force pilots would fly over Russia many times in a joint task with the US where they would use our (US) built crafts. Many times England would do their own missions secret to even the US.

"Goodness Joe, even your sister Sara would have understood that!"
