How does it end?



jesus returns as a lion and eats Nick Offerman


Me switching the god bollox off after 10 minutes and sending to the recycle bin.



It ends with some nonsense about how it's not OK to steal a bag full of money if your intentions are bad, but definitely OK to steal it if your intentions are good.


All good dogs go to a mythical kingdom in the sky and all bad dogs go to a mythical kingdom in the center of the earth where it's REALLY hot.......


The first 90% of the movie is good story-telling that stands on its own merits. But the last 10% collapses into faith-based story-telling where all complexity is wiped clean and you have to be a believer in order to appreciate it. On the whole it is a huge step up for faith-based movies, but in the end it still fell into the same conceit that they all do: preaching to the choir.
