
Doesn't exactly happen often that I find no posts at all in a movie forum here.


To get that out of my system. I was looking for a review for Ice Soldiers. I haven't watched it and came here first for a review..


Same. Also came looking for reviews. LOL!


What you mean is that you've just seen it pop up on certain websites and want to check out if its good before you consider d/l it. As..er... I did.


Many awful movies have no posts on IMDb, just like this one.


if you come here for an opinion here you go : don't watch this crap.


My opinion - watch this crap! :D Not better or worst as any other crap :)


I agree! It's trashy in a good way.

"What fun is it being cool if you can't wear a sombrero?"


After watching the trailer everyone should know what to expect of this. So if you still go watch it you're most likely wanting to see some crappy movie just for the entertainment. I feel sorry for whoever, after seeing the trailer, still expects a good movie.
I had my fun with this movie but not even one second did I expect real quality and that's why I was able to enjoy it. Sometimes I just need crappy movies like this.

I know there are people who still expect high quality from this though since there also are people who whine about how bad movies like Sharknado and Mega Shark vs Giant Octopus and all those movies are and I don't mean bad in a good way (the way it's supposed to be :D). Whining about bad acting, script fails, bad effects/cgi unrealistic or just unlogic, plot holes and all that stuff that one should actually expect from those movies :D


Just saw it and it was much better than I thought it was going to be for a sci-fi cheapo production, plus I like the guy who was in prison break as well
