My argument

I really don't think it's right to broadcast death. Wether the party is consenting or not, it's still a waste of time to get hung up on the worst part of life. Sure sugar coating everyone's final outcome isn't what this show does nor what I believe should happen but I truly think entertainment should be reserved to take our minds off of that crappiness. I'm an atheist. I don't care what happens after the fact and I don't want to waste money on a channel that tries to push this thought on me. Any criticism of my beliefs are in turn hypocritical of any Christian's, Jew's or stupid Muslim's own so the religion aspect shouldn't factor in to the fact that a show about people dying is complete bull. We, as a society, don't need this crap and to pay money for it is completely horrible thing. This channel screwed the pooch on dexter which got unbearable In its final seasons and this death show is only geared towards the moranic and\or those who can't move on from past personal tragedies. For the rest of us, well adjusted, paying customers this show is garbage. TLC would be better suited to air this dreck


And yes, Muslims are stupid. Just look at how many hundreds of years back the Middle East is, 9/11, all other terriosm and how they'll try to fight for their right to hate any nonbeliever. If I get negative comments because of this it's from an anusfaced lover of Osama


...and after reading your latter replies you're either a troll or mentally unwell or both. Have you taken your meds recently, tom?

I've never fooled anyone. I've let people fool themselves.


Muhammad was a pedophile not a prophet


Your opinion is your opinion but the world does not revolve around you. A lot of people (atheists and religious alike) found this show to be very moving and touching. As someone who works and will someday have a career in the funeral business I think Time of Death was a breath of fresh air. We really do live in a death defying culture and it shouldn't be that way; people should embrace death the same way they embrace birth/live/living. There is nothing to be afraid of.

I've never fooled anyone. I've let people fool themselves.


Are you still whining about the cost? I will repost what I told you a while back. This was while the show was still playing on a regular basis, of course...

And for the exorbitant fees you pay for Showtime, I suggest this. With the three Showtime channels that this is aired on, it's shown about 45 times per month in total. There are 13 channels in the Showtime package. It probably costs you $12.99 per month for the package. With all 13 channels, there are 9360 hours of programming in a 30 day month. So, $12.99 divided by 9360 hours comes out to $0.0013878 per hour. So, with this program being shown about 45 times per month total on the three Showtime channels, that comes out to $0.062451 for the entire month of this program. If you really have that much of a problem with this program and your exorbitant fees you are paying for your Showtime package, I'm sure if you write to them and express your disgust, they will send you a check for SIX CENTS. If you save up for four months and add a penny, you will have enough for a quarter, then you can call someone who cares.

Perhaps you've forgotten when I originally told you this, which would not surprise me, as it's evident that your brain hasn't the capacity to remember things from one day to the next.

And as for religious beliefs... you are the sort of small minded individual that gives us atheists a bad name. And to call Muslims stupid and to say that their countries are basically backward...why? Because they aren't like people in North America or Europe? They are the way they are because they choose to be that way. And they aren't all terrorists, which I'm sure you believe. The fact is, the vast majority of Muslims are good, hard working people that respect others. Just because you are an idiot doesn't mean that the rest of the world is.

I hope that you are truly just a troll saying these things to get a rise out of people. I do realize, though, that there are an abundance of people out there, like yourself, with their head buried completely up their .... What I'm curious about is if you came to be an idiot of your own volition or if you were taught by your authority figures to be this way. I would hope the former. If it is the latter, please let me know around what part of the country you live so that I may steer clear of an area that is full of people with the average IQ of a three week old, dried out hairball.

If your nose runs and your feet smell, you were built upside down.


If it's a waste of your time, then don't watch it. I think reality shows are a waste of my time so I turn that *beep* off.

I am fascinated by death. Six Feet Under will always be one of my favorite shows. Perhaps you've never watched anyone die before. I watched my mom go and it was intense. I do not believe she is in heaven with harps and cherubs but i do believe her energy transcended to another place.

Spirituality is a personal thing. You criticizing Showtime for airing this isn't any better than bible thumping right wingers who criticize non-believers. We all have a right to believe what we want to believe.
