Andy's Roast

I do not watch SNL so I was not familiar with Andy Samberg. I do not know if it is because I am unfamiliar with his work that I did not find him funny. I really wish I did though everyone was laughing hysterically. Is it me? Do I need to know his type of comedy to get it? I am not too familiar with Bill Hader either but I found him hysterical.


I didn't find it funny either. I didn't laugh at anything he said.


Keep in mind that most of the people there were on their 5th or 6th drinks at that point. I didn't find it funny at all. I only laughed once or twice. I got the jokes at his aim, but I thought it was just kind of lame.


I thought he was excellent.. His whole act was telling lame jokes and acting like they were great zingers..


It was mildly amusing at first, but to stretch it out for an entire 5 minute set was painful. Maybe it was funny to the drunk presenters, but the editors should have cut it way down for TV.

I'm your Huckleberry.


I agree, it was really funny to me in the beginning, but after awhile it was not so great. Still my favorite of the night.


I was a fan of Lonely Island and Digital Shorts done by him on SNL. He has always had a strange and quirky sense of humor but I actually found myself cringing and wanting to fast forward when it was his turn. If the entire thing was just a "bit" it horribly backfired. At first I didn't think Bill Hader was going to pull off the impression when he first stepped out but he had me dying from the beginning to the end.

She's was born in the 80's. She still uses her phone as a phone


His whole bit was about anti-jokes I probably only laughed about once or twice but it got a little boring after a while... Apart from a few Jeff Ross jokes and a few others the humor was very below par for a roast... Such a shame I remember watching flavour flavs roast a long time ago and laughing my head off, this barely elicited a chuckle...
Maybe it's just me but this roast was one of the worst I've seen...


He was doing anti-humor... not being funny on purpose. I get the idea but he was just horrible. Andy Dick was funnier. And that is saying something.


After I realized what he was doing I thought it was pretty funny.


I think he went for the Norm MacDonald approach, only he failed at it.


How dare you. Norm Macdonald is way funnier than him
