Danny McBride?

Where was he? He would've killed it. Apart from Hader, I was so disappointed.


Yeah, it had this pg vibe to it. Maybe they roasted the wrong person. Next person that should be roasted is Arnold Schwartzenegger. McBride would have been sooooooooooooooo funny. Who the *beep* is Nicky Leggaro!!????



Agreed. I think McBride and Craig Robinson should have been there.

Killed his wife cause she had a cold,
Might as well she was getting old. -Psycho Dad


He is an adult and has better things to do.


McBride's an adult?


I agree, especially that Danny McBride is part of these guys' gang. Would have been a better fit than Andy Samberg. Still, the show is really good. Jeff Ross is mean :D



Samburg was awful. I get what he was doing, but I didn't laugh at all.

Poorly Lived and Poorly Died, Poorly Buried and No One Cried
