fads over



Yeah, they should have left it after the incredible success of the first film. I can't see this doing anywhere near as well.


The first film was rubbish, it was simply watched by everybody based on the genius that went into the first couple of seasons of the series. Once everybody watched the movie they realised how lost the writing had become. This is going to ruin what's left. It's sad, I think.

A lover not a fighter: someone who finds alternative ways to make their jaw ache...


I think the first film was OK, but I was more referring to it's extreme success at the box-office. Over £50m is an impressive feat for any British movie, let alone one that's mainly targeted at young adults. But they should have left it at that. One thing British comedy prides itself on is 'quitting while your ahead' and this just looks like a desperate attempt to squeeze a bit more money out of something that's dead, mainly because the cast member's careers haven't taken off as they'd have liked.

I enjoyed the TV series and went to see the first film, but I have no real desire to see this.


I've got the feeling it's going to be a complete disaster. The first movie wasn't exactly flawless but it did tie everything up quite nicely so I don't see why the writers felt the need to revisit it again. They run the extreme risk of ruining a legacy and I have severe doubts over whether this film can sustain the kind of wit that made The Inbetweeners so great in the first place.


They should have just have left it at the first movie, all the guys had girlfriends and had a happy ending. Now bringing it back for another movie all the characters have just regressed to type.


I wouldn't quit if I was printing money so can't see them doing either. Only a flop will stop it.


Ignore the hit and run troll ffs..


If I'm a hit and run 'troll' then you have just attempted a drive-by on my ass. I put it to you sir, that you, are indeed the troll on this occasion. Just because I had a differing opinion to the original post, I must be trolling? I didn't lambast anybody, I wasn't scathingly sarcastic, I didn't leave it open for arguments to ensue.I gave a valid response and a genuine reason why everybody involved in the film might be persuaded to milk their creation again, its a capitalist society afterall. People have differing opinions everyday, yet only on the internet is 'speaking up' such a moral and social disaster. People are guessing how well it will do, surely that's trolling from the outset.It's speculation and that's allowed. Oh look, you're so internet savvy, mummy must be proud.
